I'm Miss Wager, the class teacher. We also have Mrs Maxwell, our classroom teaching assistant.
We will keep you updated with what we are learning in our classroom through this class page. Uploading photos, work and updates about the class in general. The page will include all information you may need about the class such as homework, PE days, the classroom timetable and more.
We all look forward to a great year together!
We use class dojo to keep tabs on team points and to post in any updates for parents to see directly. All children have received a parent login so that you can connect to your child's account to see their team points. If you need another login then please let me know, or ask your child for another login from me and I will send one home with them.
This is our timetable for the autumn term. PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday so please ensure your child has their kit on these days.
Homework will be set on the following:
Spellings set by Mrs Maxwell
Grammar set by Miss Wager or Mrs Brennan.
Reading Comprehension set by Miss Wager or Mrs Brennan.
Reading Records - this requires children to read* to an adult and a minimum of 3 signatures in the record per week.
*Reading does not have to be a school book - it can be anything your child is reading at home, their personal books, the newspaper etc.
Maths set by Miss Wager or Mrs Brennan.