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Wednesday 20th January 2021

Maths ONLINE Task

Today in our session we will quickly go through the answers from Monday’s work and have a recall of the 8 times table (which you will have practiced yesterday) before beginning today’s activity. Therefore make sure you have Monday, Tuesday and today’s maths activities to hand as we will be looking at them all day as well as something to write with.


Today’s maths focus is multiplying by 8, the activity is attached below or you will find it in your learning pack.


Have a look online at the robot characters such as R2-D2, Buzz Lightyear and Wall-E. Look at the robot you have been given on your activity sheet. Then try your best to write a description of the robot making sure you have used at least three of the prefixes from yesterday’s lesson.


Today for art you are going to be continuing to look at Robots but today you are going to be looking at the art work of a different artist. Today you are going to be looking at the artist Karl Egenberger. You are to use his art work the same as we did with Eric Joyner and create an art board of his work, using your sketching skills to recreate some of his designs. If you wish to draw your pieces on a separate piece of paper from the attached document below that is fine, I look forward to seeing your sketches!
