Here is your learning for today. Along with your Maths, English and Afternoon activities, please ensure you are also reading daily and looking after your well-being through mindfulness tasks and other activities available to you on our class page
Miss Wager
A new topic for us in Maths this term and that is Fractions. Now, please remember FRACTIONS ARE FRIENDS! They are brilliant at telling you what to do and you will see when you start to get to know them how helpful they are. What you will also find is that knowing your times tables is essential for understanding fractions so it is time to get playing TTRockstars once again if you have had a little break.
Many of our lessons will be recapping previous Key Stage 2 work on Fractions as it was this time last year that school life began to be a little different. With that in mind, today's lesson is all about what a fraction is.
As I have said above, it is time for a new topic in Maths this term. For the adapted learning today, we are going back to thinking about what unit fractions and non-unit fractions are.
In this lesson, we will investigate the two suffixes -ent and -ant, including noticing some pattern with word class and letter sounds. We will also review some of the spelling rules for other suffixes. This is an online lesson from Oak Academy.
Miss Sykes/Mrs Maxwell's group will have your spellings from RWI to work on this morning.
What an exciting time it has been for Earth's neighbour planet with the Space Rover Perseverance landing on Mars last week. If you haven't heard about it, click on the link below to find out more.