Children discuss the sacrifices made by people in order to follow their chosen religion, which can inspire them to believe in their goals and to not give up at the first hurdle.
Children are given the opportunity to learn about a variety of religions across the world, which also includes looking at different cultures and ways of life. Understanding of different religions and cultures, beyond what they would normally come across, will help children be more knowledgeable and tolerant. This should then create more tolerance as they grow, in the wider community, which locally is made up of many cultures and backgrounds.
Children are taught that they should respect the beliefs of others, whether or not they hold the same beliefs. They are taught to treat the artefacts used by different religions with reverence, no matter what their own beliefs may be.
There are opportunities for children to use drama, music and art in RE lessons. There is also an RE Experience Day which will allow children to explore other religions.
By learning about the struggles people have had to overcome to follow their religion, which children learn about in history and English, as well as RE, children learn compassion. They also explore different religious stories, and think about their own emotional response, and discuss the impact that the outcome had on others, eg The Good Samaritan.
Year One | ||
Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term |
To find out what a Christian is. To respect how Christians celebrate birth. To understand how children belong in a religion. To know the different parts of a church.
To understand what a special gift is. To understand why people give gifts at Christmas. To know how Christian people give to Jesus – compassion. To understand that Christians believe that Jesus is God’s gift to the world – compassion. To know what a christening candle means to Christians. | Islam
To understand how Muslim people celebrate. To understand what objects Muslim people use when they’re worshipping god. To understand how Muslim people worship god in their homes – diversity. To find out why Muslim people have respect for their elders and teachers. To find out about the festival of Ramadan – diversity. To find out about the festival of Eid al-Fitr – diversity.
To understand that some people celebrate new beginnings. To find out about the Easter Story. To understand how Christians prepare for Easter. To understand how Christians celebrate Easter. To learn about traditions during Easter.
| Belonging
To find out what Judaism is and what Jewish people believe. To find out how the Torah began on Mount Sinai. To find out how the Torah is used by Jewish people today. To explore some of the stories from the Torah and what they teach about God – respect. To find out about some of the laws in the Torah. To find out what the Torah teaches Jewish people about helping others – compassion.
To describe a place that is special to them. To know that some religious people have a special place that they go to. To learn that Christian people have a special place – diversity. To learn about Muslims special places – diversity. To learn about Buddhists special places – diversity.
Year Two | ||
Autumn | Spring | Summer |
To investigate Jewish celebrations such as Shabbat and compare with celebrations of Christians – diversity.
To be able to draw and label Jewish artefacts using objects displayed such as candle holder.
To choose which celebration to research and find more detail and write about it.
To be able to answer questions about a chosen celebration. .
| Christianity
To be able to discuss special places to them and how they feel there. Look at churches and to whom they’re special and why.
To know the creation story and complete a storyboard before retelling the story.
To be able to look at the Bible and discuss its Importance to Christians – respect.
To understand stories of the Old Testament and discuss God as a guide (encounters with Moses) – respect.
To tell the story of Moses and the Israelites and write about the plague.
To look at the Commandments as a set of rules and discuss their meaning.
To understand what Christians do to express their beliefs? To be able to understand the Lord’s prayer and recite.
| Islam
To know about the Islamic religion – diversity. Children watch a short video introducing them to Islam and Allah.
To understand that Allah has 99 names, and the meanings – respect.
To know what the Qur’an is and be able to discuss rules/beliefs and how the book is kept and respected.
To learn about the five pillars of Islam.
To know what a mosque is and how it is used for worship.
To know that the third pillar of Islam is about giving to charity – compassion.
To understand in detail the month of Ramadan, and to compare it with the Christian celebration of Christmas – diversity.
To understand the importance of the Pilgrimage for Muslims – respect and resilience.
To understand the significance of the Prophet Mohammed.
Year Three | ||
Autumn Term Christianity | Spring Term Islam | Summer Term Hinduism |
Expressions of Belonging
How do Christians Show they belong?
Symbols or actions that are an expression of belonging to the Christian faith, e.g. cross, ichthus (fish) |
Expressions of Belonging
How do Muslims show they belong?
Expressions of Belonging
How do Hindus show they belong?
Upananyana or sacred thread ceremony Diversity.
Year Four | ||
Autumn Term Christianity | Spring Term Judaism | Summer Term Sikhism |
How do symbols in the Bible help a Christian to relate to God?
What do the symbols in the story of the baptism of Jesus reveal about the nature of God?
What visual symbols and symbolic acts can be seen in a Christian church?
How might language within worship express Christian belief? Psalms, liturgy, the Lord’s Prayer, worship songs/hymns, creeds – respect.
| Symbol
What do the main concepts in Judaism reveal about the nature of God?
What do Jews believe about God? Jews believe that there is only one God. They believe they have a special agreement with God called a covenant. Jews promise to obey God’s laws to say thank you to him for looking after them.
What is the purpose of visual symbols in a synagogue?
Shabbat Wearing hats Prayer shawls (Tallit) Ark for Torah scrolls Eternal Light Bimah
| Community Expression
How is Sikh worship expressed collectively and personally?
Gurdwara – its place in the community
Langar – inclusion of all religions
Prayers from the Gurus - Keertan
How does Sikh worship and celebration build a sense of community?
Festivals – Vaisakhi, Bandi Chhor Divas, Gurpurb
Diversity. |
Year Five | ||
Autumn Term Christianity | Spring Term Islam | Summer Term Hinduism |
Faith and Belief in Action
In what way does the Bible teach Christians to treat others? – compassion.
How is this expressed in practice? – compassion.
Impact of the faith and actions of inspirational people, e.g. Jackie Pullinger, Archbishop Justin Welby, Mother Theresa, Gladys Aylward, Christians Against Poverty, Street Pastors | Faith and Belief in Action
What does the Qur’an teach Muslims about how they should treat others?- compassion.
How do Muslim teachings guide the way Muslims act in the world? – diversity.
How are Muslim beliefs expressed in practice? – respect.
| Story and Symbol
How are deities and key figures described in Hindu sacred texts and stories? – diversity.
What is the purpose of visual symbols in the mandir? – respect.
What might Hindus understand about the Divine through these stories? – compassion and diversity.
One God (Brahman), Ultimate Reality, symbolised in diverse forms/formless, male and female, with different images and names, e.g. Rama and Sita, Krishna, Shiva, Ganesha
Year Six | ||
Autumn Term Christianity | Spring Term Sikhism | Summer Term Humanism |
Community Expression
How is Christian belief expressed collectively? – compassion.
How does worship and celebration build a sense of community? – respect and compassion.
Importance of worshipping together – singing, praying, sharing key life events such as birth and marriage. | Faith and Belief in Action
How do Sikhs reflect their faith in the way they live? – diversity.
Keep God in your heart and mind at all times Live honestly and work hard Treat everyone equally Be generous to those less fortunate than you Serve others How do Sikhs live their lives to reflect these beliefs?
How might a Sikh seek to achieve mukti? – resilience.
Sikhs believe in the cycle of samsara and believe that everyone has a chance to reach Waheguru in mukti. In order to reach mukti, Sikhs must live their lives with Waheguru in their mind at all times. They must also act with love and compassion towards others. Therefore, they attempt to live their lives in a God-centred way.
How do Seikhs follow the 5 Ks in everyday life? – resilience. Connect Seikh beliefs to the different items Khalsa Seikhs wear
| Community Expression
How are Humanist beliefs expressed collectively? Respect and compassion.
Humanists do not believe in a god. They believe it is possible to live a good and fulfilling life without following a traditional religion.
Humanists do not have a regular place of worship. They do, however, hold talks, lectures and discussion groups all around the country. Humanist also have ceremonies, celebrations or special occasions. Many Humanists hold naming ceremonies, non-religious weddings and funerals. How do Humanist beliefs and celebrations build a sense of community? – innovation and compassion.
The Golden Rule Charitable acts Working as a community for the common good