We have places available in some year groups! Please contact us for more details.

Monday 22nd February


For your phonics session today, please enjoy the following online games below! You may need to log in using the following details:


Username: jan21

Password: home


If you are asked to select a phase,  we would suggest Phase 2 and 3 for Group A and Phase 3, 4 and 5 for Group B. 


Please then read the texts below. These are labelled for each group. 

You will find some high frequency word activities for your independent session today. Please help your child by explaining what they will need to do in each section (or encourage them to use their reading skills to read the instructions). 
We look forward to seeing you for today's live lesson where we will be consolidating some of the key skills from last term. 

Today in P.E. we would like  you to log in to your Real P.E. account. Follow todays activites which are  based on the theme of Space.

First there is a warm up game called

Space Race then the skills section is learning about jumping and landing - developing your astronaut skills. You will start with the yellow video.

Go Noodle

Today warm up and have fun with a cat man in space dance!

In this unit you will learn to read and write simple rhythms,recognise rhythyms from our favourite songs and learn tp play rhythym games. We would love to see some pictures of you practising your music on seesaw.
Here isa  story for you to enjoy. Just follow the link.

Chester's Way read by Vanessa Marano & Katie Leclerc

Chester's Way is written and illustrated by Kevin Henkes and read/signed by Vanessa Marano and Katie Leclerc.There is only one way for Chester to do things-h...
