This week we are moving on to area and we are beginning with a recap lesson where we are finding the area of a shape by counting squares.
Adapted Maths
Your week is beginning with a reminder of what we mean by area and making comparisons of the area of different shapes.
The spelling lesson this week is an Oak Academy Lesson. In the lesson, the teacher uses the term 'curriculum words'. Through our RWI Spelling words we use the term Orange Words instead; they mean the same thing. Remember, Orange Words are the vocabulary that even some adults find tricky to spell, so it is essential that you learn how to spell these words. Please follow the lesson and learn the vocabulary ready for a test next week during the second lesson.
Adapted English
Miss Sykes will have added some spelling activities to your pack for today, but please feel free to watch the Oak Academy lesson too if you wish.
Another Oak Academy lesson for you this afternoon all about lunar and solar eclipses. Work through the video and use the sheet in your pack to record your work. Don't forget to have a go at the quiz after the lesson.
Moon Diary
In your packs you will find a copy of a moon diary. What I would like you to do each evening is to look out of the window and find the moon. Write down the date in each box and draw a picture of what the moon looks like. After our Science lesson today, you will notice that the moon does not always look as if it is the same shape. It is always a sphere, but the illuminated part that we can see from our position in the northern hemisphere will change. This diary will help you to keep a record of how it changes.
If you can't see the moon because it is too cloudy, please just write 'cloudy' in the box.