Around the World Day - Tuesday 12th July
Year 4 - Italy - further details in the letter below.
Swimming Dates
17th June
24th June
1st July
8th July
14th July
15th July
A big 'THANK YOU' for all your support, in producing a fantastic Christmas Hamper. I am sure you will agree that whoever wins it, will be in for a treat!
Wow! An incredible morning having Professor Jonathan Van-Tam visit our school. Truly an inspiration to all the children. Professor Jonathan Van-Tam had been a former pupil at our school, as he shared his experience of his time at Hawthorn Tree. After, the children had the opportunity to ask him questions. We know he supports Boston United, started studying to be a doctor at the age of 18 and how closely he worked with the prime minister, Boris Johnson, through the pandemic.
He expressed that dreams can come hard, enjoy what you do and most importantly BELIEVE you can do it!
Thank you Professor Jonathan Van-Tam
In art we looked at different mediums. A medium refers to the materials that are used to create a work of art. Whatever a piece of art is made out of is its medium. They describe each item the artist used to make the art. One piece of art can be made of one medium or several media.
Today we used the following mediums to develop our understanding:
Today we visited the Guildhall museum, to support our learning about the Pilgrim Fathers. The Pilgrim Fathers were locked up following their failed escape at Scotia Creek. We were able to experience what it was like for them in the prison cells and had the opportunity to reflect on some important religious reasons why they attempted to flee.
We had a fantastic time and thoroughly enjoyed our visit!
Parents Evening
Tuesday 12th October 2021 & Thursday 14th October 2021
Please return your completed slip and return it to school by: Monday 27th September 2021
Looking forward in meeting you all!
Warm greetings!
We hope you have had a wonderful summer break and are ready for an exciting new school year, full of learning, challenges and celebrations! Mrs Avison and I are looking forward to welcoming you back, so we can start our journey in year 4!
It can be quite daunting going into a new year group, so we want to ensure a positive and smooth transition - spending time settling the children in, catching up with friends, adapting to new routines and feeling safe and confident within their new environment!
We feel that open lines of communication between the parent/ guardian, child and teacher are the key components to promoting an educational climate which is conducive to learning. Therefore, we are looking forward to working with you and your child. If you wish to speak to myself, please contact the school to arrange a time, or drop me an email – .
Some helpful information, that will enable us to make this a very positive and rewarding year:
Spellings – your child will bring home a folder with their new spellings and activity. These will need to be completed and returned EVERY Monday and tested.
P.E – this will be on a Monday and Tuesday (weather permitting for outdoor lessons). Your child will need shorts, T-shirt, joggers and a long-sleeved top with plimsolls or trainers. For safety reasons, if your child has pierced ears, please could they bring tape to cover, if unable to take out.
Math – homework will be given out on a Friday to be handed in the following Wednesday. If your child is struggling with their homework, please ask for help, don’t leave it until the day it is due in.
TT Rockstars – this is a brilliant way to learn quick recall of time tables, and your child will be encouraged to practice at home, and to participate in our tournaments. If you do need your child’s log-in details, please let me know.
Reading – children are encouraged to read 2 or 3 times a week, and their reading record book should be signed by an adult. Your child’s reading book and records MUST be brought in daily, as this is a link to monitor reading between home and school. We value any comments made by parents/ guardians in relation to reading. Reading at home, as well as school, is a fantastic way of supporting your child’s learning. Discussing books and providing meaningful reading opportunities outside the classroom can foster a lifelong love of reading.
Homework Menu – there will be an optional homework menu, which will be handed out each half term and children can choose any options they would like to do. The options will be based on topics we are covering.
Finally, we encourage you to visit our class page, as this will be updated on a regular basis, with important dates, curriculum newsletters, homework menu and more importantly, resources to support your child’s learning in year 4 – these can be found at the bottom of our class page.
We hope this information has been helpful and we look forward to meeting you all on Monday and welcoming you back!
Take care Mrs Millane and Mrs Avison