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Wednesday 27th January 2021


Maths today is similar to your maths on Monday, word problems including your times table knowledge. The ‘scaling’ sheet is attached below for you to complete, or you will find it in your learning pack.


Please make sure that you use the space on the sheet or on a separate piece of paper to do your working out for each question AND remember to write a sentence answer for each word problem too.


Today online for English we are going to be writing a conversation between the two robots, so make sure you have the activity sheet with you ready for the lesson and have a think of what conversation the Orange and Blue robots could be having. Also, can you remember what speech marks look like? The real name for speech marks is inverted commas.


For art today you are going to be creating your own robot sketch using Eric Joyer and Karl Egenberger’s sketch ideas from our previous art lessons. Have a think of the different features of a robot, what their head may look like, have they got one leg or two, or maybe they have a wheel instead of a foot? Have a think carefully of your design and then draw it as big as the piece of paper (A4, NOT SMALL AND TINY!). Have fun designing, I look forward to seeing them!
