We have places available in some year groups! Please contact us for more details.

5. What support will there be for my child's overall well being?

The support of children's well-being and mental health is an important and significant part of the schools work. If your child has issues in relation to issues, such as anxiety or social relations, we have a number of trained staff who can support your child in the first instance. In these circumstances, please contact Mr Brady (SENDCo) or Mrs Knight (Senior Children's Mentor). They will be able to arrange support for your child in school from our Children's Mentoring Team or our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (Mrs Gilby). If there are serious or complex issues affecting your child's well-being and mental health, we can support you in accessing other agencies including Healthy Minds, Mental Health Support Team and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).


Medical support is provided by the School Medical Service and is based on a needs analysis. Pastoral support is managed through the class teacher. There is a detailed policy on the Administration of Medicines available on request. Personal care, would be described as part of the SEND package if required regularly. Occasional needs are met through well trained staff and a well-equipped school. Every child is asked for their views prior to formal reviews.  They may attend any meeting about themselves, though this is generally at the discretion of the parent.   For informal reviews, the child is often in attendance or the parents provide this information.
