Today we are going to be looking at measures using cm. You will need the sheet, a sharp pencil, and a ruler. It will be a bit tricky for me to check your answers to the last sections so please ask your adult to help you with this.
Today you will need to use the story of Heracles that we read yesterday. You will need to look at the pictures and see if you can work out what is happening in each one. Unfortunately, the pictures got in a muddle and are in the wrong order. See if you can carefully cut them about and reorder them. Note that the heard of giant cattle might not look exactly as you would expect and the nine headed monster only has three! Stories change over time.
Read through the ebook about the Bronze Age and use it to help you to fill in the worksheet called My Bronze Age Research Map. You may wish to complete some extra research or you may wish to have a look at Horrible Histories Bronze Age