Welcome to our Year 5 class page.
I'm Miss Wager, the class teacher. Then we have Mrs Maxwell, our classroom teaching assistant, Mrs Smith and Miss Nixon - our 1:1 assistants.
We will keep you updated with what we are learning in our classroom through this class page. Uploading photos, work and updates about the class in general. The page will include all information you may need about the class such as homework, PE days, the classroom timetable and more.
We understand that it is going to be somewhat of an unusual year in school but we ask that children follow instructions, wash their hands before and after play time and lunch time and bring their own water bottle to school every day.
Below are some fantastic examples of work that we have been doing since being back to school. This will be updated regularly. Unfortunately, pencil does not always photocopy well so some of the work/writing has not shown up on the photos.
Due to the current situation, we have resorted back to home learning again. If you need to contact me, whether you are a parent or a child, then I will be available via my E-mail between 9:00am and 4:30pm every week day: grace.wager@hawthorn-tree.lincs.sch.uk
World Book Day is a celebration of stories. The day is marked in over 100 countries across the world. This year, I am delighted to announce, that the Arts charity Settle Stories has offered schools the opportunity to access a free online storytelling performance, which we will be streaming, to help our children have the best World Book Day ever with professional storyteller Alia Alzougbi. However, they are aware that many of you are learning from home and therefore have extended this offer to YOU! Hoorah!!! You do need to book your place, using the link below.
Arabic storyteller Alia will welcome our children to Ancient Arabia. Step into the story and be delighted for a mischievous hour as she recounts some of the lesser-known stories from the timeless collection of the Arabian Nights.
This will begin at 1.30 and finish at 2.15pm. I am aware that this will overlap with our Teams lesson but you will be able to join the meeting once the performance has finished. I am sure everyone will enjoy the performance. Thank you
A chance for you to join a Teams call within our class and have a catch up with those children both in school or in a different Teams group. All children are welcome - NO WORK REQUIRED!
Just fun, social catch ups
Children's Mental Health Week
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February is Children's Mental Health Week.
The theme this year is ‘Express Yourself’ and to mark the occasion we are encouraging children to dress up to mark the occasion, this coming Friday 5th February 2021.
They may like to dress up as their favourite book character, football hero or game character.
We are inviting out children to attend their TEAMS session dressed up and explain to their classmates and teachers who they are and why.
Those who are coming into school are also invited to do the same on Friday 5th February!
We have not chosen to ask for donations at this time and we would simply like to take the opportunity to encourage everyone to get involved and get talking about mental health!
I’ve also attached here some additional resources you may find useful. You can also find these resources on our Parent's Page on the school website.
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of the children, parents and guardians who have made remote learning go as smoothly as possible over this term. You are all amazing and I thank you for everything you are doing. I know it isn't easy but remember, we are all doing our best given the current situation and that is enough! Do what you can and continue to keep smiling. I look forward to seeing each and every one of you on our daily Teams sessions and I am so grateful for the enthusiasm you bring along to our sessions! Let's keep it up and be the best class we can be. Until we can be together again!
Miss Wager
The learning packs sent out have been as close to the learning which your child would have been doing in the classroom. However, I know it is much harder for the children at home. Therefore if there is anything additional you would like sending home or anything your child is really struggling with, then please let me know and I will do my best to sort out some alternate work for them. My emails are open between the hours of 9:00am and 4:30pm every weekday so do not hesitate to contact me if you are worried about your child, their learning or their well-being. I hope you are all staying safe and well.
Miss Wager.
HOME LEARNING - January 2021
We will be going back to remote learning during this third national lockdown. Please keep checking our online learning platforms such as our class page on the website, SeeSaw and Microsoft Teams.
Please collect your learning pack from the school office on Wednesday 6th January between 11:00 and 12:00.
If you are unsure what you need to complete in your packs then please check the website under the correct date.
Our learning will be primarily independent with teacher input over Microsoft Teams. Group A will be on teams between 2pm and 3pm and Group B will be on Teams between 3pm and 4pm - if you are unsure of your group then it will be on the messages on our Teams class chat. As the Teams sessions for Year 5 are fairly late in the day, they will concentrate on going over the work you have completed that day and providing teacher input for the following day.
Happy half term Year 5! Thank you for all of your hard work this term and your resilience flipping between school and home learning. Take your week off to relax and give yourselves a break mentally and physically, so that when we return, we are ready to begin learning again. I look forward to seeing you on November 2nd when we return to school.
Microsoft Teams
Ahead of our Microsoft Teams meeting at 1pm on Wednesday, please read and follow the guidelines below:
Our first Teams meeting as a class went great! It was so lovely to see you and catch up a little bit, as well as introduce a new task to you. Thank you to all who managed to join the meeting. If anybody couldn't join or struggled, then please email to let me know and we can see if we can resolve this for the future.
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Learning Support
As I'm sure you are aware some children in every class require some differentiated learning activities to help them maintain the same sense of achievement as their peers. If you know this is the case for your child or you are referred to this section, this is where we will be posting activities for these children.
Reading Comprehension for w/c 19/10/20
For this week I've added two more sets of Reading Comprehension activities for you, based on our history work on Anglo-Saxon times. Keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing how you've got on!
Working from home is likely to mean more time spent on computers, tablets and the internet. Therefore it is incredibly important to ensure you are being safe whilst you are online. Please take some time to look at, and complete, the slides and activities below to make sure you are doing everything you can to stay safe!
School Closure (11/10/20) - Home learning for w/c 12/10/20 and 19/10/20.
Hello Year 5. Unfortunately, due to the situation at school, we have had to close. However, we are still able to upload work to the website. Here are your activities for this week along with video links for Maths to help you with the worksheets. There is also an isolation diary which you can keep over the two weeks as a way of tracking your mental health and general well-being. You will need to keep checking back daily for any additional resources/work that needs completing. The Maths work this week is on Statistics which is a brand new block of work for us in Year 5 but lots of it you will have covered in Year 4. If you continue scrolling past the activities for the week, you will find some mindfulness activities to help you during your time away from school. Give everything a go, stay safe and we hope to see you all again very soon!
Work for the week commencing 19/10/20 will appear below. Again check back daily as it will be constantly updated throughout the week. Remember to keep using the mindfulness, PE and E-Safety resources throughout the week too. Have a good week Year 5!
For Science this afternoon, I would like you to use the link below to find 2 activities: Changing State, Ice and Water and Changing Materials. These will help you to revise your Science knowledge on the unit we have covered this half term.
Tuesday afternoon
Take this afternoon to relax your mind, listen to some calming music and complete some of the Halloween activities below. Reflect on your time at home, complete your isolation diary (under the school closure heading) and take some time for yourself to come to terms with what is happening in the world around us. Try to think about what you're grateful for during this time and we will hopefully be back with each other very soon. The staff in our classroom are missing you all and we can't wait to welcome you back to school. If you struggle to access a printer, why not draw your own Halloween scene/picture of create your very own wordsearch.
English - Microsoft Teams
For our English lesson today - we will be completing it on Microsoft Teams at 1pm. Please have some paper and a pencil to write with ready for the session and have the picture below visible (either on the screen or printed).
For English I would like you to catch up on any work you have missed and complete a Reading Comprehension of our choice from this page (some at the top under Learning Support). Alternatively, there is some handwriting practice below. The document is 33 pages so you do not need to print it all if you don't want to.
Unfortunately it is not the end of term we anticipated. However for this afternoon I would like you to choose an activity of your choice as we would have had a relaxing afternoon in school. Complete a mindfulness activity, PE or E-Safety from the page. After that, you could spend your afternoon drawing, handwriting or doing something to relax your mind. Thank you for all of your hard work this term Year 5. I can't wait to see you all again on November 2nd. Enjoy your half term!!!
For the children who would usually work with Mrs Smith for English, see the grammar worksheet with her name on. There are 4 sheets within the document but just choose one. You can still use the Powerpoint to help you remember which word classes are which.
For your worksheet, you need to think of nouns, verbs and adjectives to describe the picture. For example, if you were to choose the picture of the flying witch you could have:
Noun - broom
Verb - flying
Adjective - scary
Children who would usually be in the classroom with me, should follow the Tuesday Grammar Worksheet with the Powerpoint to help.
For your afternoon activity today, try one of the mindfulness (below) or PE (above) activities on this page. Look after yourselves and your well-being as well as balancing your school work. Have a good day Year 5!
Miss Wager :)
We are going to prepare and write a letter of complaint over the next two days. We are going to imagine you've been to stay in a hotel and been annoyed and upset by the behaviour of another guest (Mr Bean!) and would like you're money back!
Read through the slides on how to write a formal letter, then watch the video and make a list of things you could complain about!
Below are the resources you will need for Music this afternoon. Click on the first video to find out your instructions. The second link is for your Djembe.
Hopefully you have had a chance to watch the video and now have a long lists of complaints!
You are now almost ready to start to draft your letter.
Before you do read the example letters here to make sure you know what it might look like.
Now use the second slideshow to help guide you step-by-step as to how to set things out.
Don't forget to demand compensation at the end. Good luck with that!!
Friday afternoon
Take this afternoon to look after yourself. Do something which relaxes you and helps you to focus your mind. Take a look at the PE, Mindfulness and E-Safety tasks about our web page for some ideas. It is important that we look after our minds during this time which is very different to our typical school day.
Homework, Spellings and Reading
This year, we have decided to hand out new spellings, new homework and reading books on a Monday and we ask that all of this is returned by Friday. This way, we can leave items to isolate over the weekend after they've come into school and we can hand them out again on the Monday following the weekend. We understand this means you may lose the weekends to do such work and we are therefore sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Due to the pandemic, we are unable to have the models made from the homework menu in school. Therefore, if you make a homework menu piece, please take a photo of it and email it through to school. The photo will then be uploaded to the school website for people to see.
Our PE days this year are a Thursday and a Friday. Due to our indoor spaces not being large enough for a successful distancing, all PE lessons will be outdoors for the foreseeable future. Because of this, we ask that your child has trainers and outdoor kit for those colder days.
Thank you.