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Friday 5th March

Today's live session is English. We will begin with phonics and we will then use your completed story maps from Wednesday to enjoy listen to one another retelling the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' today! Please make sure you have your story maps available to use. 

Today the children will be taking another look at non-standard units of measure and what they could use around the home to measure the length and height of objects, for example, spoons or lollipop sticks laid end to end, cubes or lego blocks, let your imagination run wild! There will be a worksheet in your learning packs to complete and a powerpoint attached below to support today's learning. 

Please remember to practise counting in tens using the link below.

This week in RE we are going to think a little more about Lent and then do some writing about the key points of the story. Tell your grown up how many days did Jesus spend in the desert. Look back at the powerpoint to help you if you are unsure.
Here is a story for you to enjoy. Just follow the link.

Bedtime Stories | Jodie Whittaker | Ada Twist, Scientist | CBeebies
