We have places available in some year groups! Please contact us for more details.


Starting School

At Hawthorn Tree, we use the Lincolnshire County Council Admissions Policy as set out on their website; There is a coordinated scheme for admission to reception through the Local Authority.


You can now apply for your child to start in Reception in September 2024. You must apply through the Lincolnshire County Council website via the following link;

Applications close on 15th January 2024.


Children are admitted into the school’s Foundation Unit for their Reception Year in the September following their fourth birthday up to the School’s Admission Limit of 60. We like to know well in advance of possible new entrants so please encourage your friends to enter their child’s name as early as possible. Government rules state that parents of children seeking admission to the Reception Year must make an application through the coordinated system operated by Lincolnshire County Council, even if parents have already contacted the school.


Oversubscription criteria for Reception:

In accordance with the 1996 Education Act, the allocation of school places for children with a statement of special educational needs will take place first. 

The oversubscription criteria below are listed in order:

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children.

B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission.

C. Nearest school: measured by straight line distance.

D. Increasing order of straight line distance.


The County Council shall decide which children will be admitted in accordance with county and school policy.


Parents have the right to appeal if a place at the school cannot be offered. You can find more information and appeal deadline dates on the Lincolnshire County Council website;



Please refer to the “Going to School in Lincolnshire” booklet or visit

To find out if Hawthorn Tree School is your closest school please follow the link:


If parents would like to look round the school before their child is admitted or have any queries on admissions, please feel free to contact the school.


Mid Year Admissions

To find out more about Mid Year Admissions and how to apply please visit the Lincolnshire County Council's Website - Mid Year Admissions

To find out if Hawthorn Tree is your closest school please follow the link: 


Our published admission number is 60 children. 



Hawthorn Tree Primary School Admission Policy.

For our School and Local Authority admission policy for maintained schools please follow the link:

Currently available are the policies for:

2024/25 Admissions Policy

2025/26 Admissions Policy


If your admission place is refused please follow the link to appeal:



LCC Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary, Infant and Junior Schools.
