Welcome to Woodpeckers Class
Important Information
Outdoor PE - Monday
Indoor PE - Wednesday
Spellings - Tuesday (please bring your spelling folder each Tuesday)
Reading - Children should read their books daily and place it in the green basket to receive a new one each day.
Please read your child's reading book at home every night and sign their home school diary. Please return this every day.
Autumn Term Newsletter
Parents Information Afternoon
Thank you to all the parents that came to our Year 1 information afternoon. The slides from the powerpoint are attached below incase you were unable to make it or wanted reminders about some of the information we shared.
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
Family Learning
We are so lucky to be able to offer a selection of Family Learning Workshops at our school. Please see the posters below.
Senses Walk
In Science we took part in a sensory walk around the school looking at all the things we can see, touch, hear and smell. We had lots of fun exploring all our different senses!
Sports Day
Well done to all the children who took part in sports day this morning! It was great to see all the teamwork between them all!
Smell Investigation
In Science we have been learning about senses. Today we focused on smell! We had to predict what we thought the smell in the cup was and then write whether we were correct or not! We had some super ideas!
Masai Warriors
We made Masai necklaces and took part in their traditional jumping dance which they perform!
School trip!
We had a fabulous time at ARK wildlife park today! We saw lots of different animals and learnt about their habitats and what they eat and even had the chance to stroke some of them! Take a look at our pictures!
We now have four chicks! We’ve all had the chance to hold them and enjoy them before they are being adopted before the end of term!
Handa’s Surprise
Today we acted out the story of Handa’s Surprise using drama. We each had a character from the story and worked together to retell what happened in the correct order! Take a look at our pictures!
Today (Thursday 11th May 2023) we retold the story of Handa's Surprise using puppets and props.
Fruit Tasting
This term in Design and Technology we are going to be making a fruit salad. In preparation for this we have been tasting fruits and deciding which fruits we like and don't like. The children listed the fruits that they liked and discussed their taste and texture.
Eggs-citing news!
We have been lucky enough to receive six eggs to incubate and hatch in our classroom! This links to our Science topic of animals and helps us look at the life cycle of a chick and we can identify their features once they have hatched!
Today we learnt we have to keep the incubator really warm and that they have to turn several times a day to make sure each part receives heat. It should take about 21 days for the eggs to hatch so we’ll keep updating any changes!
This afternoon we were lucky enough to have some rabbits visit us to begin to celebrate Easter!
Dance Workshop
Today we were lucky enough to have the West End Dance workshop come in to teach us a dance based around the story of ‘How to catch a star’ by Oliver Jeffers. Take a look at our super dance!
In Science this term we are learning about plants. We are going to be planting runner beans and watching them grow over the term! If your child would like to plant their own flower or vegetable at home, please share this with the class either by bringing your plant in or some pictures!
Also, if you have any spare plant pots, soil or plant/vegetable seeds at home you don't wish to keep, please feel free to send them in with your child!
In RE we have been learning about Islam and how Muslim's celebrate their faith. This week we learned about Eid al-Fitr. Below are some videos about this celebration.
We have been learning about what a noun and an adjective is. We have been identifying them within texts. Please have a go at this interactive nouns and adjectives game at home.
In art we have been learning about sculptures. Today we made our own sculptures of our class dog called Fudge.
In Maths we have been learning about numbers 10 to 20. We have been representing numbers in different ways using bead strings, numicon and dienes equipment. The children have been identifying the tens and ones in each number.
To celebrate our nativity being shown to parents this week we had the opportunity to have real sheep brought into school for children to see and ask questions to the farmer. It was lovely for the children to experience this before a fantastic performance to parents in the afternoon!
Well done to all the children and we look forward to seeing the sheep again on Thursday!
Local Area Walk
Today we went on our Geography walk around our local area and identified human and physical features. We talked about the different types of houses we saw and all the features of our local area around our school!
Today we started our advent calendar. All the children will have the opportunity to open a door on our calender and recieve a book.
In RSHE we have been learning about our local community and what it means to be a good neighbour. Below are some of the children's work including pledges for how they can help their local community be a happy place.
Christmas Craft Club
Wow! Look at the super creations the children made in craft club this week!
Favourite Book
Today we have really enjoyed reading the story, 'Little Rabbit Foo Foo' which was brought in by one of the children in our class. Thank you for sharing your favourite story with us all.
Eco-centre school trip
The children had a fantastic time at the Eco-centre in Skegness on Friday! Take a look at what they got up to!
Christmas Tree Festival
We made guards to go on our school Christmas tree at St Nicholas Church for their Christmas Tree Festival taking place this weekend. This years theme is a tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth II.
Reading For Pleasure
As a class we have been talking a lot about the books we read for pleasure. We all have our own favourite, The Gruffalo, The Tiger Who Came to Tea, The Jolly Pocket Postman, Mr Fox, The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark etc. Today we were delighted when one of the children brought in her favourite book from home. We shared this funny story together at home time. Thank you for sharing your favourite book with us! What stories will you all read this weekend?
Remembrance Day
Today we took some time to talk about Remembrance Day and what it signifies. The children painted their own poppies using paint and their hand prints.
In Design and Technology we are going to be making our own Dinosaur bones and fossils using salt dough. On Thursday 10th November we designed what our fossils and bones will look like and wrote a description.
Thank you for bringing in your cardboard for the children to use to create their own homes in Geography this week! Take a look at some of our creations!
During Autumn Term we have been learning all about the author and artist Eric Carle. Our final piece of work this term was a collage in the style of his work. We drew an outline of some flowers and then used painted sheets to cut and fill in the spaces. Here are some of our final collages.
Today in Maths we have been learning about number bonds to ten. Number bonds are two numbers that when added together make a total to ten. Below are a couple of resources that will help your child to learn their number bonds at home.
Rocket Making
In English today we were very creative and made our own rockets using different materials! We are going to write instructions tomorrow about how we constructed our rockets and the different skills we had to use. This will be our last week learning about space and we’ve enjoyed it so much!
Today (Wednesday 12th October 2022) we have been learning how to use 'part part whole' models. The children selected 5 cubes and divided them between the two 'parts' on the model then added them together to find the 'whole'. Great problem solving everyone!
Boston Stump drawing
Today we carried on our learning about Boston Stump and we used pencils to create our own drawings. We focused on the key features like the tower and the stained glass windows and listened to calming music to help us concentrate! We had some amazing drawings which we can put on our display!
Story of the Week
Each week we like to focus on a new story which links to our topic. This term our topic is, 'Space'. This week our story is, 'The Darkest Dark' written by Astronaut Chris Hadfield. We pick out key words from the story and the children learn about their meaning.
Key Vocabulary
In art we have been learning about the artist Eric Carle. He is the author of one of our favourite books, The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. We have been learning about how he makes his wonderful art work using collage. This week we drew a picture of flowers using wax crayons ready to fill in the spaces using collage materials next week.
This term in RE we have been learning about Christianity. This week we have been talking about the features of a church. We have been discovering what we could find on the outside of a church and the inside of a church.
McMillan Coffee Morning
Today (Friday 30th September 2022) we have celebrated McMillan Coffee Morning by enjoying a cake! The children brought in 20p from home and selected and paid for a cake of their on choosing. Thank you to all the families who have donated cakes.
Space WOW Day
Today (Thursday 29th September 2022) we had a visit to a planetarium. We looked at the stars, planets and constellations as well as talking about famous astronauts who have visited space. We made our own planets using tissue paper and paper plates. We enjoyed some special stories and had a chocolate treat as part of the celebration. The children and staff have all really enjoyed dressing up too!
In History we are looking at Boston Stump. We managed to spot Boston Stump from our playground and we had to find facts that told us all about the church. We learnt it is a calendar church and that it is 713 years old! We then wrote a few of our favourite facts in our books! Super fact finding Woodpeckers!
Space writing
Today in English we went to space! We took part in some role play about travelling to space and discussed all the sights we could see! There was some amazing vocabulary used like ‘meteors’ and ‘astronauts’!
Then we drew and labelled everything we could we remember we saw! Well done Woodpecker astronauts!
First Week in Year 1
What a fabulous first week back! We have been so happy to welcome you into your new classes and to get to know you a little better. Have a restful weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week.
Next week we will be learning more about our Space theme. Maybe you could learn some interesting facts about space over the weekend?
We will soon be welcoming you into your new classroom, we can not wait to see you! We have so many exciting things planned for you to learn about. Here is a little taster of some of the things we have planned.... We are going to be learning about space and have a visit from the planetarium. We will also be learning about our local area. We plan to visit Boston Stump. Do you know any other local landmarks in Boston? How many have you visited before? What makes them special? In art we will be looking at the art work in Eric Carle books, why not take a look at his website? https://eric-carle.com/
A few little reminders for your first day back
Don't forget:
Your water bottle
Your PE kit
Your book bag
Any medication (this needs to be handed in at the school office)
Sun hat (if appropriate)
Don't forget to apply sun lotion before school if it's a sunny day