Spring 1 Term
This term our Topic is 'Traditional Tales'. We will be listening to a whole range of Traditional Tales and will learn different skills inspired by the stories.
The children will be baking bread just like The Little Red Hen, building a new chair to replace Baby Bears that was broken by Goldilocks, and making a boat for the Gingerbread Man so he doesn't have to reply on the fox to get him across the river!!
During English lessons the children will be exploring the similarities in Traditional Tales. They will look at the characters and the settings. The children will become familiar with the stories and be able to re-tell and act out with friends and props. They will use the stories as a base for their own ideas when writing.
During our Maths lessons we will be continuing to progress into 'Alive in Five' and 'Growing 678'.
Celebrations and Festivals - this term we will be looking at different festivals and celebrations. We will be experimenting with 'fizzy' firework pictures and using our creative skills.
We will spend time learning about Diwali and how it is celebrated. We will compare the celebrations to occasions we celebrate.
During the term we will show our respects for Remembrance day and learn the significance of the poppy.
We will learn the Hannukah story and learn a dance.
Finally, we will take part in lots of celebrations ourselves - watching the KS1 Christmas production, Christmas party, learning and acting out the Nativity story and lost of Christmas crafts to take home for our families.
During our Maths lessons this term we will continue with the White Rose Maths scheme. We will be working on 'It's me 123' and 'Light and Dark'. This will involve looking at the composition of numbers to 5, subitising small amounts, 2D shapes and positional language.
We will continue to become familiar with our core books. We will be retelling the stories Dear Zoo, Jaspers Beanstalk, Brown Bear and The Hungry Caterpillar. We will be working on hearing and writing initial sounds, progressing onto writing CVC words.
Term 1
Topic - All about me
We will spend the first term getting to know the children and the children getting to know their new school. We will be talking about children's likes and dislikes, making new friends and exploring new tasks. We will finish the term with a Talent show!!
Maths - Just Like Me
We will be sorting and noticing objects. How items can be sorted into different groups, using lots of natural items in the outside area.
Phonics - Read Write Inc.
The children will be learning to recognise and write Set 1 sounds. The children will practice orally blending sounds ready to blend sounds to read.
We would like to introduce the staff who work within Bunnies class. The Class Teacher is Mrs Tory and we have Miss Banks and Mrs Machin, who are Teaching Assistants.
Our school year begins on Wednesday 4th September and the school gates open at 8.40am, please ensure all children have arrived by 8.50am for the Register.
To settle children in the first week we will finish at 12.35pm after lunch, children are to be collected from their classroom door. Please be patient as we get to know Parents/Carers collecting.
From Monday 9th September the children will be in school full-time 8.40am-3.15pm. Collection at the end of the day will be from the EYFS gate leading to the KS1 playground. Enter via the gate at the right of the school site.
All of our information is relayed via the Seesaw app and an invitation will be given to each child the first week of school. This is an online platform that can be accessed via a mobile phone, tablet or computer.
We use the app to post photo's, videos and examples of learning in school. We also use the app as a way of communicating with families about events and changes so it is really important to join so that you are equipped with all the information you need for your child.
Families have found it very supportive in communicating with their child about their time in school.
We look forward to meeting again after the Summer and please if you have any queries please don't hesitate to ask.
Early Years Team Bunnies class - Mrs Tory, Miss Banks and Mrs Machin
Welcome to Bunnies class 2024/25