We have places available in some year groups! Please contact us for more details.

Reception - Mrs Tory

10.1.25 - Our traditional tale this week has been the Enormous Turnip, today we took part in an experiment to 'grow' our own turnip. The children were shown the materials and were asked to predict what might happen. There were lots of great ideas!! The children were excited, and a little scared, to what might happen to the balloon, but were amazed to see it grow....and not explode! The children complete their findings.

8/9.1.25 - Inspired by our Traditional Tale this week the children first chopped vegetables, then made delicious leek and potato soup, and sweet potato and carrot soup. We all ate together and lots of children asked for seconds....and thirds...

Spring 1 Term

This term our Topic is 'Traditional Tales'. We will be listening to a whole range of Traditional Tales and will learn different skills inspired by the stories. 

The children will be baking bread just like The Little Red Hen, building a new chair to replace Baby Bears that was broken by Goldilocks, and making a boat for the Gingerbread Man so he doesn't have to reply on the fox to get him across the river!! 


During English lessons the children will be exploring the similarities in Traditional Tales. They will look at the characters and the settings. The children will become familiar with the stories and be able to re-tell and act out with friends and props. They will use the stories as a base for their own ideas when writing.


During our Maths lessons we will be continuing to progress into 'Alive in Five' and 'Growing 678'.



17.12.24 - Today we had our Christmas party!!! Lots of fun games, pass the parcel, musical bumps, yummy party food and then........a visit from Santa and his elf!!

16.12.24 - Today we read the Stickman story and joined in with the repeated refrains......I'm stickman I'm stickman....we then went in search for Stickman in our outside area and retold the story.

13.12.24 - Santa Run fun today with Mrs Ingamells. The children danced to Christmas songs and played lots of fun games, We finished with a relay race where we had to make a snowman.

11.12.24 - What a busy day!! First Christmas lunch, then our singing performance to families. The children were amazing and they all sang a variety of Christmas songs so beautifully! The finale was 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas'. The children had worked so hard to not only remember the words, but also the Makaton actions!

11.12.24 - Today the children shared a Christmas lunch together. They were very excited to wear their reindeer hats!!

6.12.24 - Yesterday the children listened to the story of St Nicholas and how he was kind and generous to lots of people. The children learnt that he had left golden coins in the stockings by the fire for a family and the children shared stories about stockings they hang. The children were surprised this morning. on St Nicholas day, that we had been left some chocolate golden coins.

2.12.24 - Our classroom is ready for Christmas!!!!

1.12.24 - 24.12.24 - The children learnt about Advent and shared what they do for Advent. Sparkle the Kindness Elf was introduced to the class and we discovered that she would choose a child each day, who had shown kindness, to open up a door on the Advent calendar. The children were excited everyday to find a note tied with string and a message from Sparkle to the child she had chosen and why.

28.11.24 - The children visited the Year 6 class as they made lanterns from willow. The lanterns will be part of a parade through Boston - Illuminate - and were based on Folktales.

25.11.24 - As part of National Tree week the children have been finding out all about trees. Today the children used some special pencils to make a rubbing of a leaf they had chosen and then used their observational skills to draw the leaf, noticing its features.

21.11.24 - The children have been excited to find that the rain water outside had frozen solid. They explored the ice and noticed leaves and items had frozen inside it. The children found ways to break the ice into smaller pieces. The following day we noticed that the ice was much thinner than the previous day.

19.11.24 - Our school council had the idea of a Book Swap. The children were asked to bring in a book they would like another child to read and a £1 donation. Each child that brought in a book then got to choose one for them to take home.

15.11.24 - Children In Need day. We had a visit from Pudsey earlier in the week and today the children took part in Pudsey dancing and a fun run this afternoon out on the field. The children ran around the Pudsey shape made from cones by Mrs Ingamells.

11.11.24 - Our outside area enables the children to notice seasonal changes. One of our trees has lost almost all its leaves and we have been using our arm muscles to sweep up the leaves to help our caretaker Mr Miller. This also follows one of our school rules to take care of our environment.

11.11.24 - We had 2 special visitors today!! We welcomed back our friend Asda Steve, who brought Pudsey with him ready for Children in Need on Friday.

11.11.24 - On Remembrance day the children took part in the 2 minute silence and laid the wreaths they had made.

8.11.24 - The children have learned a dance this week to celebrate Diwali - the festival of lights. They have practiced one part each day and today combined all the parts.

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5.11.24 - Today the children made wreaths ready for Remembrance day next week. They drew around and then cut out their hand shapes to add to the wreath with some poppies.

4.11.24 - Today we learnt about the festival of Diwali. We practiced the first part of a Diwali dance that we will add to over the week. We discovered that many people celebrate Diwali by spending time with their families, decorating their homes with lots of lights and rangoli patterns. The children made diya lamps which they will decorate later in the week.

Week beginning 30.10.24 - The children were pleased to be back at school after half-term. For our Topic - Celebrations and Festivals - we have looked at Bonfire Night this week.The children have learned how to be safe around fireworks and have created different art works. Finally they made listened to a story and made chocolate sparklers to eat for snack.


Celebrations and Festivals - this term we will be looking at different festivals and celebrations. We will be experimenting with 'fizzy' firework pictures and using our creative skills.

We will spend time learning about Diwali and how it is celebrated. We will compare the celebrations to occasions we celebrate.

During the term we will show our respects for Remembrance day and learn the significance of the poppy.

We will learn the Hannukah story and learn a dance.

Finally, we will take part in lots of celebrations ourselves - watching the KS1 Christmas production, Christmas party, learning and acting out the Nativity story and lost of Christmas crafts to take home for our families.



During our Maths lessons this term we will continue with the White Rose Maths scheme. We will be working on 'It's me 123' and 'Light and Dark'. This will involve looking at the composition of numbers to 5, subitising small amounts, 2D shapes and positional language.



We will continue to become familiar with our core books. We will be retelling the stories Dear Zoo, Jaspers Beanstalk, Brown Bear and The Hungry Caterpillar. We will be working on hearing and writing initial sounds, progressing onto writing CVC words.

15.10.24 - today was our EYfS has talent day. The children decided which talent they would like to perform to their class.

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Still image for this video

Rhubarb Theatre performance

Still image for this video
The children enjoyed a performance by the Rhubarb Theatre. The theme was how we can protect wildlife. The children learnt different ways they can help the environment.

8.10.24 - Today the new children met a familiar face to our class and school ......Asda Steve!! We have been discussing likes and dislikes and Stephen brought us some different fruits that we haven't tried at school before!

3.10.24 - Today the children were introduced to their daily book vote. The children chose between 2 books and placed a token into the corresponding tub. When all the votes had been made we counted the tokens together to discover the winner. The Elves and the Shoemaker was the winner today.

2.10.24 - The children have had lots of opportunities to make repeating patterns this week, including their snack.

1.10.24 - The children learnt all about Harvest Festival and played a game to notice items found at Harvest time. The children then used their creative skills to make one of the items - scarecrows!!

25.9.24 - Today we discussed similarities and differences after looking at our classmates. We then looked at the jigsaw pieces of our photo's and matched them together.

24.9.24 - The children tasted a variety of fruits and explored how they looked and tasted. We then discussed our favourite fruit, for some children it was difficult to decide because they liked all the fruits. When the choices had been made we counted up on the tally chart to find the result. Grapes had the highest vote.

23.9.24 - The children listened to the story Mix It Up and then added colours to their paper separately using their fingertips. They then mixed the two colours together, just like the story. The children continued exploring with different colour combinations.

16.9.24 - The children practiced their fine motor skills at snack time today. There was lots of perseverance in peeling their oranges and then followed one of our school rules to 'look after our environment' by making sure all the peel was placed in the bin.

12.9.24 - The children used their listening skills to play a game together. They took turns to wear the blindfold and had to listen to one of their friends shake the instrument. The children then pointed to where they heard the sound!

9.9.24 - The children used their imagination to create their own puppet show!

6.9.24 - The children listened to The Colour Monster story and talked about when they might have the feelings. We introduced our feelings chart within the classroom so that children could choose how they were feeling today. The children then had the opportunity to practice their fine motor skills by creating their very own Colour Monster!

4/5.9.24 - Making new friends, team-work and getting to know their new school ......EXCITING first days!!!

Term 1 

Topic - All about me

We will spend the first term getting to know the children and the children getting to know their new school. We will be talking about children's likes and dislikes, making new friends and exploring new tasks. We will finish the term with a Talent show!!


Maths - Just Like Me

We will be sorting and noticing objects. How items can be sorted into different groups, using lots of natural items in the outside area.


Phonics - Read Write Inc.

The children will be learning to recognise and write Set 1 sounds. The children will practice orally blending sounds ready to blend sounds to read. 

We would like to introduce the staff who work within Bunnies class. The Class Teacher is Mrs Tory and we have Miss Banks and Mrs Machin, who are Teaching Assistants. 

Our school year begins on Wednesday 4th September and the school gates open at 8.40am, please ensure all children have arrived by 8.50am for the Register.

To settle children in the first week we will finish at 12.35pm after lunch, children are to be collected from their classroom door. Please be patient as we get to know Parents/Carers collecting.

From Monday 9th September the children will be in school full-time 8.40am-3.15pm. Collection at the end of the day will be from the EYFS gate leading to the KS1 playground. Enter via the gate at the right of the school site. 


All of our information is relayed via the Seesaw app and an invitation will be given to each child the first week of school. This is an online platform that can be accessed via a mobile phone, tablet or computer.

We use the app to post photo's, videos and examples of learning in school. We also use the app as a way of communicating with families about events and changes so it is really important to join so that you are equipped with all the information you need for your child.

Families have found it very supportive in communicating with their child about their time in school.


We look forward to meeting again after the Summer and please if you have any queries please don't hesitate to ask.


Early Years Team Bunnies class - Mrs Tory, Miss Banks and Mrs Machin



Welcome to Bunnies class 2024/25
