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Art & Design


Pupils are given a wide range of opportunities to develop skills in art, craft and design activities. They build on their understanding and appreciation of art in a variety of forms and styles, and from a variety of cultures. Children are encouraged to observe natural phenomena and to develop an awareness of shape, colour, texture and pattern, as well as an understanding of the properties of materials.


Art overview




To know how to use different tools.


To know how to mix colours.


To know how to name colours.


To know how to do basic stamping patterns.


To know how to print with a range of colours and techniques showing a RESILENCE to complete tasks.



To know how to use an effective grip with a range of tools.


To know how to work alone and as part of a group.


To know how to use scissors effectively.


To know how to use glue in a variety of ways.


To know how to select resources according to shape, colour, texture.


To know how to use lines and patches of colour to represent images.


To know how to paint directly without drawing an outline.


To know how to choose colours for a purpose.




To know how to experiment and select appropriate equipment.


To know how to use one brush for varying colours.



To know how to use 3D materials to choose appropriate fixing methods.


To know how to experiment with 3D objects.


To know how to add height and width with 3D shapes.


To know appropriate language linked to sculpture.


To know how to spot printed patterns in the environment.


To know how to print using a dipped technique.


To know how to print with a range of colours and shapes to create images and patterns and be INNOVATIVE with their creation .




Year 1

To know how to mark make.


To know what sketching is.


To know how to do an observational drawing.


To know how to recognise and mix primary and secondary colours.


To know how to work with different paint consistencies.



To know how to work with different brush sizes.


To know how to work with different sized brushes.


To know how to use random controlled tearing.


To know how to cut strips, shapes, snip and fringe.


To know how to create a simple collage and be INNOVATIVE with their creation.


Artist: Eric Carle







To know the terms shape, form, and texture.


To know how to use appropriate fixing materials.


To know how to scrunch paper.


To know how a variety of materials can be used to create a sculpture and show RESPECT for their artist studied Anthony Gormley


Artist: Anthony Gormley




Printing/Patterns Focus


To know how to recognise and mix primary and secondary colours.


To know how to work with different paint consistencies.



To know how to print repeat motifs in one colour to create patterns.


To know the meanings of horizontal left to right orientation for printing.


To know how to use a range of tools to print.


To know how to clean equipment.







To know how to use observations for textile work.


To know how to do a group weaving.


To know how to thread beads.


To know how to cut fabric.


To know how to use different textile materials.


To know how to do simple dyeing.


To know how to do basic stitching.





To know how to sketch.


To know how to explore shading.


To know how to use smudging.


To know how to talk to others about my work.


To know how to mix primary and secondary colours.


To know how to select appropriate brushes.


To know how to use a range of paints.


To know how to complete a simple colour circle.


Famous Artists.

Jackson Pollock, Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian.




To know how to use monoprinting and be INNOVATIVE with their creation.


To know how to print in straight lines from left to right.


To know how to use two colours to print.


To know how to make a simple block for relief printing.


To know how to clean equipment.


To know how to use appropriate materials for a purpose.


To know how to match textures from the environment.


To know how to use fixing techniques.






To know how to use drawing for different purposes.


To know how to use a sketchbook to record observations.


To know how to use different marks can be made with different tools.


To know how to use outlines with reference to size and shape.


To know how to understand how artists work in different ways.


To know how to use tools effectively.


To know how to paint a colour wash.


To know how to use the colour wheel including hues and harmonising colours.


To know how to use to the term complementary colours.


To know how to work on a picture over a period of time INNOVATIVE with their creation.




To know how to collect my ideas in a sketchbook.


To know how to use tools correctly.


To know how to construct simple assemblages.




To know how to use clay tools to create surface textures.


To know how to use decorative techniques.


To know how to make a shape out of one piece of clay.






To know how to make detailed marks with attention to tone.


To know how to use a range of drawing techniques to record observations.


To know how do observational drawing from different viewpoints.


To know how to understand different marks can be made if I vary the pressure.


To know how to draw from memory/imagination.




To know how to compare the work of two different artists



To know how to develop my techniques of overpainting and resist work.


To know how to work with tints and shades.


To know how to mix tertiary colours, (browns, neutrals, flesh)


Artists: Ofili, Derain & Matisse




To know how to use three colour printed patterns, including over printing for colour mixing.


To know how to use engraved patterns – polystyrene/press prints.


To know how to use a roller.


To know how to work cleanly and neatly.


To know how to explore materials to make relief blocks, e.g. string, found materials.








To know how to use sewing as a joining technique.


To know how to use batik.


To know how to use applique.


To know how to use textiles to create a piece of work.


To know how to use colour language – tint, tone, shade


Artist Hokusai



To know how to use simple perspectives.


To know how to discuss my work.


To know how to develop a composition.


To know how to paint from observation.


To know how to colour mix and can revise my understanding.



























To know how to use decorative techniques.


To know how to combine clay techniques to create structures.


To know how to select the correct method for making a pot.


To know how to use simple carving to create sculptures INNOVATIVE with their creation.





Unit 6c (Landscape Art)

To know how to use other sources to influence my drawing.



To know how to use a viewfinder for composition.

I know compositions can be made up.


Artists Studied

Henry Moore








South and Central American Art

(3D Focus)

Artists Studied Frida Kahlo with a focus on DIVERSITY and showing COMPASSION for the artist.


To know how to develop the concept of design to incorporate balance, contrast, emphasis, and pattern.


To know how to use techniques such as photomontage to create collages INNOVATIVE with their creation.


Artist Kurt Schwitters







To know how to select appropriate resources for making formers to create a sculpture.


To know how to select appropriate resource for surface textures.


To know how to work in low relief.




Art and design progression of skills




Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

 Year 6

Exploring and developing ideas


  • Creating with Materials


  • Record and explore ideas from first hand observation, experience and imagination.
  • Ask and answer questions about the starting points for their work, and develop their ideas.
  • Explore the differences and similarities within the work of artists, craftspeople and designers in different times and cultures.
  • Record and explore ideas from first hand observation, experience and imagination.
  • Ask and answer questions about the starting points for their work and the processes they have used. Develop their ideas.
  • Explore the differences and similarities within the work of artists, craftspeople and designers in different times and cultures.
  • Select and record from first hand observation, experience and imagination, and explore ideas for different purposes.
  • Question and make thoughtful observations about starting points and select ideas to use in their work.
  • Explore the roles and purposes of artists, craftspeople and designers working in different times and cultures.
  • Select and record from first hand observation, experience and imagination, and explore ideas for different purposes.
  • Question and make thoughtful observations about starting points and select ideas to use in their work.
  • Explore the roles and purposes of artists, craftspeople and designers working in different times and cultures.
  • Select and record from first hand observation, experience and imagination, and explore ideas for different purposes.
  • Question and make thoughtful observations about starting points and select ideas and processes to use in their work.
  • Explore the roles and purposes of artists, craftspeople and designers working in different times and cultures.
  • Select and record from first hand observation, experience and imagination, and explore ideas for different purposes.
  • Question and make thoughtful observations about starting points and select ideas and processes to use in their work.
  • Explore the roles and purposes of artists, craftspeople and designers working in different times and cultures.

Evaluating and developing work


  • Share their creations, explaining the process they have used
  • Review what they and others have done and say what they think and feel about it. E.g. Annotate sketchbook
  • Identify what they might change in their current work or develop in their future work.
  • Review what they and others have done and say what they think and feel about it. E.g. Annotate sketchbook
  • Identify what they might change in their current work or develop in their future work.
  • Annotate work in sketchbook.
  • Compare ideas, methods and approaches in their own and

others’ work and say what they think and feel about them.

  • Adapt their work according to their views and describe how they might develop it further.
  • Annotate work in sketchbook.
  • Compare ideas, methods and approaches in their own and

others’ work and say what they think and feel about them.

  • Adapt their work according to their views and describe how they might develop it further.


  • Compare ideas, methods and approaches in their own and others’ work and say what they think and feel about them.
  • Adapt their work according to their views and describe how they might develop it further.
  • Compare ideas, methods and approaches in their own and

others’ work and say what they think and feel about them.

  • Adapt their work according to their views and describe how they might develop it further.


  • Draw and paint using a range of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
  • Draw with increasing complexity and detail, such as representing a face with a circle and including details.


  • Use a variety of tools, inc. pencils, rubbers, crayons, pastels, felt tips, chalk and other dry media.
  • Use a sketchbook to gather and collect artwork.
  • Begin to explore the use of line, shape and colour
  • Understand the basic use of a sketchbook and work out ideas for drawings.
  • Draw for a sustained period of time from the figure and real objects, including single and grouped objects.
  • Experiment with the visual elements; line, shape, pattern and colour.
  • Experiment with different grades of pencils when sketching and begin to understand the effects they have.
  • Experiment with different grades of pencil and other implements.
  • Plan, refine and alter their drawings as necessary.
  • Use their sketchbook to collect and record visual information from different sources.
  • Draw for a sustained period of time at their own level.
  • Use different media to achieve variations in line, texture, tone, colour, shape and pattern.
  • Make informed choices in drawing inc. paper and media.
  • Alter and refine drawings and describe changes using art vocabulary.
  • Collect images and information independently in a sketchbook.
  • Use research to inspire drawings from memory and imagination.
  • Explore relationships between line and tone, pattern and shape, line and texture.
  • Use a variety of source material for their work.
  • Work in a sustained and independent way from observation, experience and imagination.
  • Use a sketchbook to develop ideas.



  • Demonstrate a wide variety of ways to make different marks with dry and wet media.
  • Identify artists who have worked in a similar way to their own work.
  • Develop ideas using different or mixed media, using a sketchbook.
  • Manipulate and experiment with the elements of art line, tone, pattern , texture, form, space, colour and shape.


  • Show different emotions in their drawings and paintings, like happiness, sadness, fear, etc. • Explore colour and colour mixing.
  • Use a variety of tools and techniques including the use of different brush sizes and types.
  • Mix secondary colours and shades
  • using different types of paint.
  • Create different textures
  • e.g. use of sawdust.
  • Mix a range of secondary colours, shades and tones.
  • Experiment with tools and techniques, inc. layering, mixing media, scraping through etc.
  • Work on a range of scales e.g. large brush on large paper etc.
  • Mix and match colours using artefacts and objects.
  • Mix a variety of colours and know which primary colours make secondary colours.
  • Use a developed colour vocabulary.
  • Experiment with different effects and textures inc. blocking in colour, washes, thickened paint etc.

Explore colours through paint.

Use colour language – tint, tone, shade

Plan and create different effects and textures with paint.

  • Demonstrate a secure knowledge about primary and secondary, warm and cold, complementary and contrasting colours.
  • Create shades and tints using black and white.
  • Choose appropriate paint, paper and implements to adapt and extend their work.
  • Carry out preliminary studies, test media and materials and mix appropriate colours.
  • Work from a variety of sources, inc. those researched independently.
  • Show an awareness of how paintings are created (composition).


  • Join different materials and explore different textures.
  • Make marks in print with a variety of objects, including natural and made objects.
  • Carry out different printing techniques e.g. monoprint, block, relief and resist printing.
  • Make rubbings.
  • Use a variety of techniques, relief and press
  • Design patterns of increasing complexity and repetition.
  • Print using a variety of materials, objects and techniques.


  • Research, create and refine a print using a variety of techniques.
  • Select broadly the kinds of material to print with in order to get the effect they want




  • Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function
  • Use a wide variety of media, inc. photocopied material, fabric, plastic, tissue, magazines, crepe paper, etc.
  • Use a variety of techniques, inc. weaving, tie- dyeing.
  • Create textured collages from a variety of media.
  • Stitch, knot and use other manipulative skills.


  • Match the tool to the material.
  • Combine skills more readily.
  • Refine and alter ideas and explain choices using an art vocabulary.
  • Collect visual information from a variety of sources, describing with vocabulary based on the visual and tactile elements.
  • Join fabrics in different ways, including stitching.
  • Use different grades and uses of threads and needles.
  • Extend their work within a specified technique.
  • Use a range of media to create collage.
  • Experiment with using batik safely.
  • Use a range of media to create collage

3 D form

  • Share their creations, explaining the process they have used
  • Explore sculpture with a range of malleable media,
  • Experiment with construct and join recycled, natural and man-made materials.
  • Explore shape and form.
  • Join clay adequately and work reasonably independently.



  • Make informed choices about the 3D technique chosen.
  • Show an understanding of shape, space and form.
  • Plan, design, make and adapt models.
  • Talk about their work understanding that it has been sculpted, modelled or constructed.


  • Describe the different qualities involved in modelling, sculpture and construction.
  • Use recycled, natural and man- made materials to create sculpture.
  • Plan a sculpture through drawing and other preparatory work.
  • Use natural materials to create sculpture and constructions with increased independence.

