Friday 22nd January 2021
Maths ONLINE Task
Today on our online Maths session we are going to continue your learning on the 8 times table, so again make sure you have your activities sheets from the rest of the week with you to support your learning. To begin our online session today we will go through yesterday’s maths answers before discussing what today’s activity consists off. I will then allow you to complete the activity independently, being there to ask questions if you have any.
Today’s activity sheet is attached below, or can be found in your learning pack.
For today’s English, you are going to be looking at word classes. You need to colour the key and the balloons according to their word class. Make sure you are checking your answers carefully as they might be trying to catch you out!
Real PE
Watch this video with your adult to begin with and it will explain how to log on and what to do when you get logged on. Your login details are in your learning pack.