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Year 1 - Miss Richards

smiley Welcome to the Robin’s class page! smiley

In the Robins class, there will be myself (Miss Richards), Mrs Ferguson, Miss Dakin and Miss Roper who will be supporting your child’s learning.
Please use this class page to keep up to date with any important information and be able to see what your child has been learning in year 1. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. 


Important information:

  • Monday: Spelling day- Please ensure your children practice their spellings at home and bring their completed spelling folder ready for their spelling test every Monday. 
  • Thursday: Inside PE ( please come to school in your PE kit)
  • Friday: Outside PE ( please come to school in your PE kit)


Helpful Websites

Below are a few helpful websites that can be used to support your child's learning.

Tuesday 4th February- The year 1 children in science this term have been learning about materials and their properties. In our final lesson we tested which materials were waterproof, water resistant and absorbent. We linked this to our learning in English looking at the three little pigs. The children built three different house using materials and discussed which was the strongest, waterproof and the best material to build a house out of. As a whole class we then tested the houses using water.

Monday 3rd February- The children created some box sculptures in art this afternoon inspired by Antony Gormley.

Wednesday 22nd January. In our history lesson this afternoon we compared modern and Victorian kitchens. The children passed around different objects people would have used and discussed what was different and what was the same.

Wednesday 22nd January- a visit to the library van

Tuesday 21st January- This term in science we are focussing on materials. Today we reviewed different kinds of materials and discussed some of their properties. The children looked at and felt different objects on the tables and used adjectives to describe them.

Monday 20th January- The children have been exploring the British artist Anthony Gormley. Last week they sketched some of his sculptures looking at the different materials he used. Today the children tried to recreate one of his sculptures using wire.

Monday 13th January- This afternoon a tennis coach from Boston Tennis club came in to provide a free tennis session with the children. They enjoyed moving around the area and controlling the tennis ball with their racket.

Thursday 9th January- In PE we were using the words “look, run and avoid” to move around the area.

Tuesday 7th January- In our computing lessons this term the children will be learning about algorithms. We discussed that an algorithm is a process and set of rules for computers to follow. The children worked in groups to create a set of instructions to put clothes on, they made sure they did it in the correct order and did not miss any items of clothes.

Thursday 19th December- Christmas yoga in our PE lesson this afternoon

Wednesday 18th December- we had our christmas party this afternoon, the children enjoyed playing different party games, dancing and sharing some party food.

Friday 13th December- Santa Fun Run. The children took part in the national event where they completed different sports activities in groups. They enjoyed working as a team to complete the relay race and build a snowman!

Wednesday 11th December- Christmas dinner day

Wednesday 4th December- The children have been reading the story “Stone girl bone girl” which tells the story of Mary Anning a famous fossil collector. The children used their story maps from the previous lesson to act out the story.

Friday 22nd November- In DT the children have been learning about Mary Anning and her fossil hunting. The children designed their own fossil and then made them out of salt dough.

Thursday 21st November- To complete our geography topic of the local area the children explored different types of maps. We spoke about who might use a map and why. The children then drew a map of the classroom and identified where they sit . As a challenge the children tried to follow the school floor plan and find the buried treasure. They identified key features including our classroom, the hall and library which helped them find the treasure.

Tuesday 19th November- The children went for a walk around the local area. They idenfied diffferent types of homes and used key vocabulary from their geogrpahy lessons. Children considered the difference between human and physical geographical features and identified some on their walk including houses, bungalows, caravans and cars as human features and plants, leaves, grass, puddles and wind as physical features.

Friday 15th November- To continue our dinosaur themed day the children had a variety of dinosaur themed activities, including stick puppets which they then presented their own puppet show, some dinosaur painting and colouring. The children also enjoyed playing some dino themed games on the interactive whiteboard.

Friday 15th November- Children in Need. The children took part in a pudsey race around the field.

Friday 15th November- Dinostar workshop. The children have taken part in a dinosaur themed workshop today learning lots of interesting facts about dinosaurs. The children got to look at and touch some different dinosaur bones, teeth and claws. The children have made their own fossil and some fossil rubbings.

Thursday 14th November- In our geography lesson children have been learning about human and physical geographical features and sorting different pictures. The children worked with their partner to help sort the features correctly. We discussed that the children could see how many physical features and how many human features they can spot on their way home.

Wednesday 13th November - We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We talked about the properties of the 2D shapes and used lollipop sticks to make different shapes.

Monday 11th November - A visit from Pudsey Bear

Friday 8th November- This term in our outside PE lessons we are learning how to throw and catch. The children used the bean bags to first throw to themselves. Some children even managed to throw, clap and then catch! We then played some circle games of throwing the ball to another person and catching. The children enjoyed these games and we hope to see them playing them with friends at play time!

Thursday 7th- In geography this term we have been learning about our local area and different types of homes. Children made a home they would like to live in out of junk modelling resources. They remembered what features a home needs including windows, doors, guttering, a house number and many more! The children also used the Lego and building blocks to build a mini village, thinking about different buildings they may see.

Tuesday 5th November- The children had their first lesson with the school laptops after they had been learning about e-safety last term. The children learnt how to log on the laptop and how to access the website “sketch pad”

Tuesday 15th October- Building hedgehog houses out of autumn materials during our science lesson

Tuesday 15th October- The children watched a performance from rhubarb theatre this morning. It discussed looking after the environment and how children can protect wildlife.

Thursday 10th October- Reading Cafe

Wednesday 9th October- The children completed some practical maths activities to consolidate their learning of number bonds to 10.

8th October 2024- After the children’s autumn walk they used a variety of autumn objects to make their own transient art.

Tuesday 8th October- in science this term the children have been looking at the different seasons. Today we introduced autumn and talked about the changes which we observe in autumn, the children went on an autumn walk around the school field to look for different autumn objects including “crunchy brown leaves”, “huge sticks” and “so many leaves on the floor”. The children used the iPads to take pictures from their perspective.

Wednesday 2nd October- The children had a visit from the library van this morning where they were able to choose a story to borrow. We will share and enjoy these stories in the classroom where children can read them independently or save them for our class story time.

Thursday 26th September- the children enjoyed a practical maths lesson to consolidate the weeks learning. They have been focusing on greater than and less than and worked with a partner to create their own questions.

Thursday 19th September- The children had an outside PE lesson where they played some team building games. The children’s favourites were follow the leader and duck duck goose.

Wednesday 18th September- The children have been learning about Christianity in RE and made their own vicar out of dolly pegs and tissue paper

Tuesday 17th September- We’ve had a super space day today! We started with our visit from the planetarium where we learnt about the different planets and the stars and it really felt like we were in space! Thank you to everyone who came in and brought junk modelling materials to make a rocket!

Tuesday 17th September- Space WOW day

Wednesday 11th September- The children have been learning about stained glass windows in RE, they used tissue paper and black card to make their own which we used to decorate the classroom.

Monday 9th September- Eric Carle Art lesson

Friday 6th September- The children had their first PE lesson in the hall where they practiced the new skill (side stepping) and implemented this skill in a new game.

Wednesday 4th September- The children have had an exciting first day back to school. They enjoyed sharing stories and playing with their friends. The children worked really hard in their new maths and English books whilst also completing some practical counting activities.

Wednesday 4th September- Over the summer holidays there has been a big change in school with the new library being built. This afternoon the children went to explore the new area and look at the amazing new books. The children chose two stories for us to share in our story time, one of which they had never heard before and another which was one of their favourites in reception so were amazing at joining in with the words and actions!
