We have places available in some year groups! Please contact us for more details.

Tuesday 19th January 2021

Here is your learning for today. Along with your Maths, English and Afternoon activities, please ensure you are also reading daily and looking after your well-being through mindfulness tasks and other activities available to you on our class page smiley

Miss Wager

For our Grammar lesson today we are returning to relative clauses and relative nouns. You have 2 tasks to complete. Firstly to find the relative pronouns within a piece of text and secondly to match the relative clause to the main clause and inserting a relative pronoun. 


Adapted English

You should have some IXL grammar activities assigned for you, though I would like you to have a go at the grammar task set above if possible. Do as much as you feel you are able to. We will discuss this work together in our meeting today.


Hour of Code again today. The link I have put below will guide you to the Frozen Code with Anna and Elsa page. Please don't be put off by the characters. I would like you to work through the steps, aiming to get a bright green dot each time. I would love to see you progress, so please ask your parents to email me a photo of the coloured dots you achieve. 
