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Thursday 25th February 2021

Here is your learning for today. Along with your Maths, English and Afternoon activities, please ensure you are also reading daily and looking after your well-being through mindfulness tasks and other activities available to you on our class page 

Miss Wager


In Maths today, you are going to be looking at fractions greater than 1. Remember, a whole one in fraction form will have the same numerator and denominator. Watch the video below to help you. 

Adapted Maths


Over the next two weeks we are going to be writing our own poem about the Arctic. Today, you are looking at the features of a poem. You have two examples of poems about the Arctic. I would like you to read through these and become familiar with how they have used particular features. 

 You also have a sheet with the following features and their definitions on:

  • Metaphors
  • Similes
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Alliteration
  • Personification

Look at the definitions for these features.



Your task today is to pick out examples of these features in your example poems. Label, underline and highlight these poems. Get ready to discuss these features and where you found them on TEAMS. 


For RE today, you are going to look through the powerpoint about the five pillars of Islam. Using this knowledge, you are going to complete the worksheet - writing in the pillars with an explanation for each one. 
