Please use the link below to continue practising counting in fives.
Today children will be exploring number bonds to 20 and building on their prior knowledge and skills of number bonds to 10. Please encourage them to practise their number bonds to 10 using the part-whole model previously taught and encourage them to notice the similarities between their number bonds to 10 and 20.
There is a work sheet in their learning packs to be completed.
Today in P.E. we would like you to log in to your Real P.E. account. Follow today's activities which are based on the theme of Trains. First there is a warm up game called 'Train Trip' then the skills section is continuing your work on dynamic balance. You may want to repeat the yellow video again or move on to the next step video.
Go Noodle
Have fun with these Go Noodle dances.
Here is a story for you to enjoy. Just follow the link.