We have places available in some year groups! Please contact us for more details.

Year 5/6 Mrs Brennan

Year 5 & 6 Activity Week

Production Rehearsals and dates:

Monday 10th June 3.30-4.15 Act 2 Scene 1 Main hall
Mary Poppins
Kite flyers
Chimney sweeps
Tuesday 18th June 12.00-12.30 Act 2 Scene 2 Mrs Smith’s classroom
Miss Trunchbull
Miss Honey
Monday 24th June 3.30-4.15  Act 2 Scene 2 and 3 Main hall
Miss Trunchbull
All school children from Matilda
Mrs Garrett
Tuesday 25th June 12.00-12.30  Mrs Smith’s classroom
Monday 1st July  -in school time Main hall
Full dress rehearsal
Monday 8th July 6pm (5.30pm to school for cast)
Evening show
Wednesday 10th July 6pm (5.30pm to school for cast)
Evening show

Year 6 Homework


Changes to homework this term.



  • Grammar & Reading worksheet.
  • Reading records to be handed in.



  • Maths worksheet.
  • Spellings.



Boston Docks

Week 7 and Week 8 Learning


Mrs Palmer has set the children the challenge of designing a poster that highlights our school values and classroom rules. Winners posters will be professionally printed and placed in every classroom.


Our School Values:







Our School Rules:

Take care of

  • Yourself
  • Others
  • Your things
  • Your environment
  • Above all demonstrate kindness, manners and support for one another.


Spring Term weeks 1 and 2

Week 10 -12 Learning

Week 7 Learning Journey

Year 5/6 Curriculum Overview Terms 1 and 2

Week 6 Learning

Week Four Learning

Week Two of our Learning

Welcome to Falcon Class


Mrs Blakeborough and I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to Year 6 and to our class page.


Throughout the course of the year, there will be lots of different and exciting challenges which we are going to tackle together as a team, working together and supporting each other. There will also be lots of exciting roles and responsibilities for your child to become involved in, allowing them to grow in confidence, independence, and resilience and more importantly, allow for them to be immersed in fun and develop their love for learning. These include roles in our School Council, Playground Leaders and Story Time Leaders.



Each week, your child will be set homework which links in with the learning taking place within the classroom that week. We encourage you to support your child with the tasks which have been set, alongside listening to your child read at least twice a week – our homework timetable is included on the class timetable below. Year 5 children will have their homework set by Mrs Graves and Year 6 children will be completing SATs Buster workbooks weekly.



Reading records will be checked on Mondays, children need at LEAST 3 signatures please. Also throughout the year, different reading challenges will be set and reading will be celebrated throughout the school. We also have a class reading challenge, where the children can receive raffle tickets for the number of times they read to an adult each week. These tickets will then be entered into a raffle, where you child could win a gift voucher for Boston, West End Cinema.


We also have some fantastic Year 6 texts to read this year including: Anne Frank’s Diary, The Titanic Detective Agency, Hidden Figures and not forgetting our first text of Goodnight Mister Tom in support of our English and History lessons for Term 1. 


If you do have any concerns or queries, then please do not hesitate to contact us (preferably by phone or email) before or after the school day.


If your child is struggling with homework, then please encourage them to come and speak to myself or Mrs Blakeborough BEFORE their homework is due in, this means we can go over the homework together in enough time.


On Thursday afternoons, Miss Neal will be teaching Computing and P.E. with Miss Ingamells. On Fridays, Mrs Blakeborough will be teaching RWI spelling and RE  and then the children will  be able to enjoy exciting music lessons from Lincolnshire Music Service - the children really enjoy these hands on sessions.



Please keep browsing our class page for important updates, homework timetables, knowledge organisers and more importantly, the children's learning – these can all be found at the bottom of our class page.


We hope you enjoy browsing our page and we look forward to working with you closely this academic year.


Many Thanks, 

Mrs Brennan

Year 5 & 6 Timetable

A Fantastic First Week!
