Some colouring for you to enjoy!
Year 3 Sports Day
Amazing achievements by the Year 3 - Discover Arts Awards
A big Thank You to Steve Hatton who created these amazing designs based on the Year 3s ideas. See how many you can spot around school and around the town centre.
On Around the World Day in the morning we learnt about China and made some Lucky Money wallets and dragon paper chains. In the afternoon we played a numbers game using our Mandarin numbers to 5 and learnt how to use chopsticks. What an amazing day.
Around the World Day
On Monday 14th June we are celebrating Around the World Day. Year 3 will be looking at China. You may wish to wear their lucky colour of red on Monday. We will be learning about the country and their customs and trying some food. It should be a great day.
Don't forget to continue to complete your 10 minutes a week home learning on TTRockstars. We need to be the champions in the next battle!
What a lovely World Book Day. It was great to see everyone dressed up and hear about your favourite books and authors. Everyone enjoyed the story telling on Wednesday.
Reading is the key to all subjects and such an important part of our learning.
Don't forget you can email me photos of you in costume to add to our class page.
January/February Lockdown Home Learning
Below is the work your child is expected to complete at home each day alongside participating in the TEAMs session set each day. English and Maths are statutory for each day, as well as one foundation subject per day.
If you are struggling to get your child to login onto the TEAMs sessions please email me on and I will guide you through how to solve any problems.
On a Friday please contact Miss Neal and send work completed with her to her email:
Mrs Smith's challenge
What can you teach me? On Thursday this week I would like you to bring to the lesson a fact about something you don't think I'll know about to teach me something new. I may award prizes!
Collection time for packs is 10.00-10.45am Thursday 11th February. This is for work for the week commencing 22nd February. Please return completed packs to school.
Have a good half term.
Internet safety day 9th February
Take a look at this internet safety film. It’s really important that we are keeping safe online during our online learning time. This week includes internet safety day and it’s really important to look at some of the resources to keep safe.
This week is children's mental health week. You could follow the link to some activities. including a message from The Duchess of Cambridge. On Friday you have been invited to dress up and talk to Miss Neal about who you are and why - have fun.
You could also enjoy some worry monster colouring.
You could try this amazing competition. Just look for the Key Stage 2 version.
For all you budding scientists out there try this website with lots of information about STEM.
Arts Ambassadors Challenge
The Art Ambassadors have decided their competition this term will be a stop motion Lego video. Why not have a go? More information on parent mail. You could use a stop motion app to create it. When you've completed it send it to my email. Have fun!
Week 4
Week 3
Week 2
Week 1
Wow! What a week it's been. The children have enjoyed some fun and games with their DT soup making and their Christmas party, along with a Santa dash. It must be time for a rest.
Holiday Homework
Step One Watch a Christmas film with your family ( popcorn, snacks, pop optional)
Step Two Read 'Twas the night before Christmas with your family.
Step Three Do some Christmas baking with your family.
Step Four Have fun!
Week beginning 7th December
Complete the word match.
Complete the definitions and synonyms.
Watch the link below:
Write a description of the setting. Make sure you are including exciting descriptive words, write in full sentences and check your work when you have finished.
Friday 4th December
Work for children who are shielding.
Please make sure you have gone through your spellings and get someone to test you at home.
Write an email to the school in Switzerland telling them about your school and where you live. Think of some questions you could ask them about their school.
Find a recipe for a soup that you like and write it out neatly using your handwriting practice. If you’re allowed perhaps you could help cook it and take photos and make a photo story.
Watch the link for the chocolate room and write a description of the room.
Then watch the link for Violet Beauregarde and describe what happens to her.
For a bonus you could illustrate it with a picture of or research Quentin Blake and try his version of what she looked like.
Friday 4th December
Please note that from now on PE will be on a Wednesday and Friday. Please make sure children have suitable clothing for outdoor use now it’s getting colder and that they are able to tie their trainer laces if they have laced shoes. Thank you for your support.
If you are having to self isolate try some of these:
We haven't looked at time yet but have a go at the worksheet on time.
Write a diary as if you are Charlie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory imagining you are going to get to go to the factory for the first time. Make sure you write in full sentences and think carefully about the fact that you are writing from the point of view of Charlie.
Read chapter 2 and 3 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
You could use the link on Youtube if you are allowed which will read it to you and you can follow.
Monday 9th November 2020
This week's homework is to create a lantern for the Boston lantern trail on the 26th November. Please follow the link for ideas.
Please make sure these are returned to school for Thursday 12th November 2020 to Mrs J Smith. If you make the glass one, could these be returned to the office. If you wish to keep your lantern you can display it in your window for others to see. Please note that lanterns cannot be returned. Thank you
Have fun!
Sorry it was not the most successful meeting today, however, it was lovely to chat with you. As promised I'm adding the Star Wars fun. Enjoy!
Mrs Smith and Mrs Swanson
A little message from Miss Neal,
'Hello children, I hope you are all keeping well and safe, I have added some Religious Education weblinks and a PowerPoint for you to explore, these include quizzes etc for you to test your knowledge based on our topic of Christianity, take care, Miss Neal'
Join Mrs Smith and Mrs Swanson for a Teams meeting at 10am Wednesday 21st October 2020.
Don't forget TTRock Stars battle - we are being beaten by Miss Morris' class. Keep playing Owlets!
Monday 19th October 2020
Hope all the home learning is going well. Stay safe and enjoy your half term when you get to it. Plenty of extra reading added this week.
Week 2 Home Learning
More work on conjunctions this week. Use your knowledge from last week to help you to complete the worksheet and write your own sentences.
In French this week we should have been learning to count to 10. Try this out.
Tuesday English
Look at the playscript from The Twits. You can work with your family members to read it, perhaps take on different roles.
Complete the worksheet on features of a playscript.
Wednesday and Thursday English
Use your knowledge of George's Marvellous Medicine to write your own playscript. Use the worksheet to help you with how to set it out. You many want to use just one chapter from the book. Remember the book is online. You could write the play on paper or on the computer but remember the setting out is the most important part. Have fun!
Have a go at creating a picture of a character you might find in a Dahl story. If you can use paint please do so, as we have been working on colour mixing and painting this term. Send me your pictures so I can share them on our page and perhaps award star box for the best ones. Enjoy!
Read all about it!
If you are looking for some questions to help children with their reading try one of these bookmarks.
Find some free reads here:
Some music home learning for you to enjoy.
Thursday 16th and Friday 17th October 2020
Grammar Complete work on types of sentences. Don't cheat as the answers are at the end, but you can check if you've got them right when you have finished. |
Start to plan a day trip for George and Grandma. This is to be done over two days. Complete Part A and the picture on Thursday, then Friday complete part B and the poster. Be inventive and enjoy it.
TTRockstar Battle is ABOUT TO BEGIN!
Calling ALL Year 3 pupils! Battle of the Bands is about to begin!
Otters v Owlets
Wednesday 14th October - Wednesday 21st October 2020
Take part between: 09:00 - 16:00 each day!
You will need your TT Rock Stars username and password to play.
Let the battle commence!
Complete the worksheet on using conjunctions.
Watch clip on how to write a report.
Use the bullet point work from Monday to write a report about what happened to Grandma.
Use the vocabulary sheet for time and cause words to help you to join yours sentences. Remember to think carefully about where you need capital letters and full stops.Watch the powerpoint if you can. You may wish to create a free account.
Tuesday 13th October 2020
Extra reading
These are the types of questions the children will experience in reading comprehension and tests. You could have a go, work as a team or take turns to answer the questions.
Read the text on Roald Dahl and complete the comprehension.
Read through the 'police sample report'. Use the worksheet to look at what features are in a report and complete the sheet. This will be used tomorrow so make sure you have this work and your bullet point work from Monday on Wednesday to help you with your writing.
Working from home is likely to mean more time spent on computers, tablets and the internet. Therefore it is incredibly important to ensure you are being safe whilst you are online. Please take some time to look at the slides below to make sure you are doing everything you can to stay safe!
E-mail contact details for the teaching team, in school hours, are;
Activites to keep you going!
(scroll down for day to day activities)
Monday 12th October
Addition of 3-digit number and a 1-digit number, involving carring of tens. We have started to practice this in class so your child should understand it, or a little atleast. Below is a Powerpoint which will guide them through the activities attached.
Watch the clip on how to use bullet points.
See if you can find some examples in your home where bullet points have been used.
Watch the clip on George's Marvellous Medicine chapter 7. Use your knowledge of bullet points to list all the things that happen to Grandma once she has had the medicine.
Start with these:
Continue the list. You can write the list in pencil on paper or could type it and print it, or email to me at
Please make sure you are reading as often as you can. You can read texts from home and online. You could read recipes and follow them. You can read comics and magazines. It all counts. Sharing a book is really important. You could show your parents how we echo read - when I read it, then you read it or when I read it and miss out a word and you have to follow and read in the right word.
Have fun and stay safe.
Tuesday 13th October
Wednesday 14th October
Thursday 15th October
Friday 15th October
For today's spellings please get an adult to test you on your spellings, feel free to send me a photo via email of your results. Then please have a go at finding the Year 3/4 statutory words in these wordsearches.
Welcome to Year 3. Today the children have been working on place value in Maths and getting their new reading books. Please could reading books be returned on a Monday. These will be changed on a Wednesday and returned for you to enjoy. The children have been listening to the audio book of George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl.