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Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Here is your learning for today. Along with your Maths, English and Afternoon activities, please ensure you are also reading daily and looking after your well-being through mindfulness tasks and other activities available to you on our class page 

Miss Wager smiley


Moving on to 3 digits multiplied by 2 digits. Putting the part of the calculation you are doing in brackets at the side is key to making your way through the steps of these multiplications. They help you to check each step of the calculation is correct. Please remember to use brackets in work working out. 

Adapted Maths

Today we are making sure the the calculations we do are efficient (done in a well organised way). 


Continuing with relative pronouns and relative clauses, but today you are writing your own. Think carefully about what extra piece of information you could tell me about the noun in each sentence. If you are not sure who some of the proper nouns, do a little bit of research. 

Adapted English

If you would like to work on the task above, please do. If not, please complete some of your Reading Eggs tasks or your ixl activities.



Playing detectives and diving into some E-Safety today with your 'Spam Spotters' worksheet. Use the Powerpoint to help you. Followed by a Minecraft adventure for you today.
