Today for your maths activity you have got word problems including the times tables 3, 4 and 8 so make sure you have got your times tables written down somewhere close by to support your learning. The activity sheet is attached below, or will be in your learning pack.
I would like you to do some working out for each question and a sentence for each word problem answer, this can be done of the back of the sheet or on a separate piece of paper.
*Choose ten spellings from previous weeks of our spellings, have 10-15 minutes practicing them and then get an adult to test you on them. Let’s hope you can remember the spellings rules we have previously practiced!*
English ONLINE Task
Before today’s online session refresh your memory on the text that we read last week, Robot Fact. Then we are going to complete the questions from the text in full sentences, we will have a look at the first few questions today. Have a highlighter or a coloured crayon with you so we can find the information from the text first.
Today for History make sure you have read the Power Point information on Prehistoric Britain FIRST, then today you will be finding out and learning about early humans and Palaeolithic Period which is the first stage of the Stone Age.
You have got two activities to complete today for History which are attached below, or will be in your learning pack. You will be looking at how the Stone Age people lived during the Palaeolithic Period, looking at the similarities and differences to how we live today.