Monday 18th January 2021
*Choose ten spellings from previous weeks of our spellings, have 10-15 minutes practicing them and then get an adult to test you on them. Let’s hope you can remember the spellings rules we have previously practiced!*
Maths ONLINE Task
For today’s maths lesson you will need today’s activity sheet which is attached below or will be in your learning pack collected from school, as well as something to write with. We will have a 15 minute discussion on what today’s activity entails and then you will be able to complete it independently, with me being there on TEAMs if you have any questions to ask.
Also make sure you have your work from Friday as we will go through those answers before we start today’s activity. To support yourself with today’s maths activity, Wednesdays work from last week (the two 4 times table activity sheets) will help you J
Read the text Robot facts. Highlight the key words and complete the word match and synonyms. Independent task
Working on the sheet to complete the sentences on prehistoric times.