Today children will continue to learn number bonds that make a total of 10. The children will continue to record these in a part-whole model.
For the first activity today you will need to show your child number cards 0 to 10. Select one number card at a time and ask your child to represent it on the ten frame. Ask your child how many more they will need to make a total of 10. Next ask your child to record this in a part-whole model. So if they had selected the number card 8 and found that 8 and 2 make a total of 10 they would record 8 as one part and 2 as the other part and the 'whole' as 10. If your child is ready they will need to record it as a number sentence, for example, 8+2=10. Repeat this process until you have used all number cards 0 to 10.
Next use the Jack Hartmann video below to recall number bonds to 10.
The last activity is to play the, 'Hit the Button' game. You will need to select the options, 'Number Bonds' and 'Make 10'. Your child will be given a number and they have to select the other number they need to make a total of 10.