We have places available in some year groups! Please contact us for more details.

Tuesday 26th


For your phonics session today we would like you to tune into the Ruth Miskin Phonics channel on You Tube

Here is the link:



If you are in Group A then work on the set 2 sound videos.

If you are in Group B then work on the Set 3 sound videos.


Please have a look at the books below, too! The books are labelled for each group. 

Group A - Grrr!


Today we are going to think about verbs and what happens when you add -ing. When you add -ing to an action verb it means something is happening.For example "I am talking". There isa special word for adding - ing. It is called a suffix.

Group A - Your task today is to to add the correct - ing word to the sentence - you have a word bank to help you but if you found this too tricky then have a go at one of the extra English activites in our support section.

Group B You have to choose the right action word - verb to complete the sentence but you will need to add the -ing part on to the end when you add it to the sentence. Check carefully to make sure you have managed this.


In today's LIVE lesson we will be comparing number sentences using the terms/language of 'less than', 'greater than' and 'equal to' to compare two number sentences. Children will need to work out the answers to both number sentences before they can compare them so they may need some objects to help them count.

Please remember to continue to practise the daily count at home when you get a chance.


Today in science we are cotinuing our work on materials. We are going to think about the properties of materials. What do they feel like? what do they look like? How do they behave? Can you bend or stretch them? 

Your task today is to find some materials around your house but you need to look carefully at the categories on the sheet and find one example for each. What could be a bumpy material? You may find more than one! Can you then draw them on the sheet? If your grown up has a camera they may want to take a photo of you and all the exciting materials you have found!

Story Time

Harry the Dirty Dog read by Betty White
