Today we are going to start thinking about special names for words. We will be thinking about adjectives and verbs. Some of us will also be exploring what a noun is.
You will need scissors and glue ready to help you sort the words into the right columns.
Please use the link below to practise your number bonds to 10 with Jack Hartman.
Also use the video link below to remind your child about the similarities and differences between number bonds to 10 and 20, encourage them to answer the questions by pausing the video as necessary.
Please remember to complete the worksheet in your pack.
To begin, can you hunt for a range of different objects around your house? Can you tell a grown-up what these objects are made of?
For your main task, you are going to sort objects according to the material they are made from. Have a look at the pictures of objects carefully. Can you cut and stick the objects into the correct columns?