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Thursday 14th January 2021

Thursday 14th January 2021


Maths ONLINE Task

Today we are going to be focusing on the 4 Times Table, using the worksheets you completed yesterday. You will have an input/warm up with me (the same as Fridays Maths session) and then I will give you time to complete the activity independently asking questions if you need to. 


Today in English you are going to be creating your own fact sheet on robots, therefore you can either create your own template or use the one in your packs. You will also need the robot information sheets (non-fiction texts) to support you with this activity, these are attached below. Please read the information sheets carefully and write out some interesting facts about robots, try to put them into your own sentences and not just copying from the non-fiction texts. If you want to write them out using bullet points, rather than in paragraphs that is absolutely fine!


In Science today you are going to be looking at the five different food groups. You are to have a look carefully at the completed eat well plate that has got examples of the foods in each food group and then to create your own. When creating your own eat well plate please make sure that when you draw your food on the plate, you also label it. Secondly, there is then a 'balanced diet' information sheet to complete too.
