We have places available in some year groups! Please contact us for more details.

Year 1/2 Miss Morris

Welcome to Badger Class


In our class this year we have myself (Miss Morris), Ms Taylor, Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Smith. We will all be supporting your child in school, ensuring that they have FUN while learning! 

Parents, please keep coming back to this page to check for general updates on what is happening in school. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Important Information

Term 1 & 2
Indoor PE: Tuesday

Outdoor PE: Wednesday


Term 3 & 4

Indoor PE: Monday

Outdoor PE: Wednesday


Term 5 & 6

Indoor PE: Monday

Outdoor PE: Wednesday


Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit for both of these days, it needs to be suitable for all weathers. Please ensure that your child continues to wear their school jumper or cardigan with their PE kit on these days. 


Our spelling day is Tuesday. Please make sure your child practices their spellings at home over the week and brings them completed in their folder EVERY Tuesday.  

Our Learning Journey

Pirate Day!

Goodbye Chickens! Today has been the sad day of where the Year 1 and 2’s have had to say goodbye to the six chickens we ended up with. Thankfully, they’re staying in the Hawthorn Tree family with Mrs Clarke and Miss Parkinson. 

Here are our Puppets! All of the children have made their own puppet, starting by sewing together their bodies and decorating it to match their original plan. They are now able to use their puppet to retell the story of where their chosen character is included.

We have released our five beautiful butterflies 🦋

Sports Day

Time with the chicks! We have SEVEN in total 🐥

Seven chicks AND a butterfly! The children have had an exciting week!

Around the World Day

Today Badger's have been learning about the country of Australia. The children have been doing aboriginal art in the shape of different Australian animals such as a dingo, kangaroo and koala. They have also made their own Australian animal mask as well as try 'fairy bread' which is an Australian sweet treat.  

Careers Event

Today the children got the opportunity to speak to different professionals from various professions such as:

  • Police Officer
  • Lifeguards
  • Upholster
  • Paramedic with an ambulance 
  • Midwife 

The children got the chance to ask many questions including what they had to study at school to get to do the job they aspired to do. As well as how long it took them to qualify into their role. A great experience for all!

We have all had an amazing day at Skegness, visiting the aquarium learning about lots of different sea creatures as well as how to look after our local environment to support the animals well-being. Some children were also lucky enough to get their feet in the sand on the beach and finish their day with an ice-cream.

The caterpillars are growing! They will soon be making their chrysalis, then we will have to wait patiently for another 7-14 days for them to form into butterflies! 🐛

We have eggs AND caterpillars!  

The children are lucky enough to have eggs in class which will hopefully hatch into cute, fluffy chicks ..also they have caterpillars which they’ll also be able to watch the life cycle of as they turn into beautiful butterflies!

Watch this space for updates 🐣🦋


Sports Day Preparation
Parents, please can you send in a colour t-shirt to match your child's colour for sports day. Our sports day is on Tuesday 2nd July at 1:30PM, more information will be sent closer to the time.

The bean seeds are growing Badgers!!


I wonder which experiment pots these are though? Have they had just water, just sunlight or both? 

Please use the attached document to support your child in their phonics at home. There are lots of videos for your child to watch, and you can pick out the sounds your child needs support with. All you need to do is click on the links on a computer, tablet or phone and the phonics videos will play.

Today the children have had a visitor acting as Florence Nightingale. They were taught all about her childhood and teenage years - leading to when and why she wanted to be a nurse. They also learnt about her career as a nurse, helping others train and opening her own nursing school in London. The children are now going to use this information to support their History lessons.


A big thank you to Khaleesi for bringing in the frog spawn last term, which we have all been able to watch turn into tadpoles and now FROGS! She was more than happy to start releasing them into our nature area this morning. 

Below is also a link to the 2024 Summer Festival of Into the Wild if you are interested!

In Maths, the children have been learning about multiplication and division. Practicing their 2, 5 and 10 timetables - here they have matched pictures of objects in groups to the correct statement. For example: 2 groups of 5, 6 groups of 10, 3 groups of 2.

Today the children have all participated in the sponsored FUN RUN!

Today in computing, the children have used a software called ‘sketch pad’ to create a story board from The Three Little Pigs or Goldilocks and the Three Bears. They did an amazing job!

Today the children had a visit from Professor Bubble Works. They got to watch some amazing experiments related to time, air and space. The children were amazed by all of the activities!

We have tadpoles in the classroom! There are both frog and toad spawn in the pond water too - hopefully we will see them grow before we break up for Easter! Thank you Khaleesi!

Odd Sock Day for Down Syndrome Awareness

Here are their Paul Klee art piece creations. Using the pastels to make a ‘firery’ background to represent the skies during the Great Fire of London, followed by creating a row of silhouette houses - showing how close the houses were standing when the fire begun. 

In Art, the children have been learning about another artist called Paul Klee. Here are their artist information pages:

World Book Day

A visit from the sheep.

Rand Farm Park Residential

Parents, keep looking on here during our time away and you’ll see what we are getting up to! 

To finish our stay, the children had a final play in the indoor play barn. Another fantastic trip to Rand Farm Park - the children have had a fantastic experience!


Lunch time with our carrot cakes that we made this morning. 

Tractor Ride

Carrot planting and carrot cake making

Our well earnt breakfast!

Mucking out jobs before breakfast: 

- Guinea pigs & rabbits

- Donkeys and horses

- Chickens & collecting eggs

- Milking the cows

We are up and raring to go for another day of adventures! 

Bedtime Story

Our evening meal - roast chicken, including the meringue for dessert which we made earlier in the day. 

Farm jobs before enjoying tea: 

- feeding the lambs

- stroking the chicks

- petting the guinea pigs and rabbits

- feeding the alpacas, goats and ducks

- laying fresh hay for the sheep, cows, donkeys and horse

Meringue Making - our dessert for later

Milking of the cow and feeding the lambs

Lunch Time

Feeding time in the barn..

We have arrived! Having a snack and a drink before going onto the farm..


In English, the children have chosen an animal to research. Starting by writing a list of questions they want to find the answers to, followed by using the internet and non-fiction books from the library to find the answers. 

In RE this week the children have created spinners to help them learn the ten plagues.

In Art this week, the children have been experimenting what happens to the primary colours when gradually mixed with white or black. Great to see their reactions to each colour mix!

In Art, the children have been learning about an artist called Jackson Pollock. They have begun to create their own version of one of his paintings. They started by drawing around 2D shapes, overlapping them slightly so that they could create secondary colours from using primary colours.

Ready for World Book Day, the children have been creating their own 'under the sea' themed book marks. Mrs Millane is running a competition on the best design, so if your child wishes to create another over the holidays they are more than welcome to.

In R.E the children have been learning about the story of Noah's Ark out of the Bible. Yesterday, they acted it out with Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Smith.

Below is a link to a variety of audiobooks for your child to listen to. A brilliant way for children to listen to stories, imagining the story rather than looking at pictures. 

Trunk Theatre
This morning, the children have had a visit from Trunk Theatre. They performed the story of The Great Fire of London, explaining how and when it begun, including how the fire spread and how long it lasted for. During the performance the children also got the opportunity to learn a sea shanty song as well as dance with the king.

Sing to Change - Shark Activity

Windmill Making Session

The children have loved their afternoon making a windmill with moving sails. Thank you to all of the children's adults who managed to come and support with out afternoon of FUN!

Bread Making with Mrs Adams

Continuing on from our D.T journey yesterday, today the children got to try five types of bread: white sliced, granary slice, white crusty, brioche and rye. They used three of their senses to describe their thoughts on the taste, scent and texture. I wonder which the children chose as their favourite?

Today in D.T we started learning about how flour is made in a windmill. We started by looking closely online at the Maud Foster Windmill in Boston, followed by watching a video made my Tesco on how flour is made. 

Following on from this, the children used their knowledge of food types from Science last term to sort ‘healthy’ and ‘not so healthy’ sandwich toppings. 

Happy New Year Badgers!

Christmas Cookie Decorating

Our Christmas Party

Today, the children went to Playtowers where they had great fun - thanks to the PFA for this gift. This afternoon the children have also enjoyed party games such as musical statues, musical bumps and pass the parcel. We finished off the day enjoying the party food everyone bought in - thank you parents for the kind donations.

Santa Dash

Today with Mrs Ingamells, the children got to enjoy Christmas activities outside - making snowflakes in given numbers and relay running in funny Christmas hats. They all had a FUN time getting into the Christmas spirit.

Christmas Dinner

Our Christmas Hamper - Red & Gold

If you wish for the chance to win our class hamper, please send your child in with some money for raffle tickets. £1 for a strip or 20p a ticket. 


Bright Day!

Today the children have had the day talking about fireworks and bonfires, including how to stay safe around them as well as enjoying activities such as making rockets and firework painting. They have also been lucky enough to have a visit from the Boston Fire Brigade.

Watch our rockets fly!!

Still image for this video

..flying high into the sky!

Still image for this video

Don't they look amazing!

Still image for this video

Year 1/2 Reading Cafe

Thank you to all family members for coming into school on Tuesday 17th October to spend time to read with your child. The children thoroughly enjoyed showing you their reading skills, developing their fluency and expression while reading. Please keep up the reading at home!

In Science today the children have been learning about human life cycles, talking about their family members and what stages there are in their life cycles. 

In Geography this week, the children began the lesson by discussing their prior learning that we learnt last week - recalling countries that they found using the atlas' as well as remember what continent they are all within. Super memories Badgers!


For todays lesson, the children had to think carefully which parts of Poland were human features and which parents were physical features. 

The children have started their project of tie dying.. here’s the start, let’s see what magic they can create!

In Geography we have started looking at the country Poland. The children have learnt how to use an atlas to find countries such as the United Kingdom (where we live), Poland, Germany, Russia and many more. They children worked in small groups and tried really hard!

Reading books will be sent home with your child this week, please make sure you sign each time you listen to them read. Writing a comment on which page they got up to or whether they completed the book. Also, feel free to note anything strengths or difficulties with their reading. 

Please aim to listen to your child read and sign at least three times a week. 

In Art this week we have begun our weaving using paper, trying our best to make a repeating pattern. They children did a fantastic job!

In Science for the start of our topic on Animals including Humans we have looked at the food pyramid, discussing the different types of foods we should eat on a daily basis to ensure that we eat a balanced diet.  


Everyone has been given a piece of Science homework that will need to be returned on Monday 18th September please. 

In English, our first text is Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper. The children have started by sequencing the story, seeing whether they can remember all of the different parts that happened throughout. 

Hello everyone, in Badger Class this academic year we have myself (Miss Morris), Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Smith who will help support your learning. We are looking forward to getting to know you all through our learning adventures. 

Parents, please make sure you keep checking this page to see what your child has been learning in class as well as for any information updates. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask when collecting your child at the end of the school day, or alternatively ask at the office to arrange and appointment. 


I hope you’re all having a wonderful summer break, making precious memories with family and friends. Take care and I’ll see you all back at school on Tuesday 5th September x
