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Monday 11th January 2021

Monday 11th January 2021


English ONLINE Task

Today in English we are going to be reading the text from ‘Pie’s Robot Story: Gussie Goes Bonkers’ and going through any vocabulary that you may be unsure of and understanding what is happening. Therefore, please make sure you have got access to this piece of text, it is in your pack. 

Today you are to complete the task in your park where you are focusing on divide by 3. Before you begin this activity refresh your mind of the 3 timetables and have a look at the activity we completed on Friday. 


This term we are looking at Prehistoric Britain. There is a knowledge organiser for you to read carefully and then you are to create something of your choice from the information. It is your choice whether you want to create an information poster, a fact file or you could even use the information to create your own timeline of Prehistoric Britain. 
