Welcome to Otters Class page!
On this page, we will be sharing some of the great things we've been up to- including our amazing work, wonderful experiences and helpful news.
Cave Paintings
Friday 29th November Non-uniform Day
Next Friday is a non-uniform day to gather donations for our Christmas hamper. Our theme will be Chocolate! Please send in a donation on the day and raffle tickets will then be on sale ahead of our draw on Friday 6th December (The Christmas Fair). We will also be selling our class made fudge, some tree decorations and a selection of plants in decorated pots. Thank you for your support,
Miss Morley
Sponsored Pudsey Run
Children in Need
A big thank you to all the children who came to school dressed up for Children in Need. Your donations are greatly appreciated and will help so many in need. You all looked fantastic!
Important Dates - WC Monday 11th November
Monday 11th – Remembrance Day
Visit from a 100 year old veteran who served in the RAF during World War II. He is originally from Jamaica and then trained in England to be part of the RAF. This is an amazing opportunity for the children as they will be able to ask questions about what he went through in World War II.
Tuesday 12th – Odd Socks Day (Donations optional)
To show that it's okay to be different and to stand up against bullying and discrimination for Anti Bullying Week.
Friday 15th – Children in Need Day (Children can come to school in spots for a £1 donation)
RunPudsey event – children are to do a sponsored run around the field in the shape of Pudsey’s face.
Half Term Homework
This half term the homework expectation is that the children read to an adult at home least 3 times and login to times table rockstars to practice their times tables knowledge. Next term, we will be having a new reading incentive where every signature from an adult will equal one raffle ticket entry in to our hamper prize at the end of term. One signature can be just from simply 5 minutes of reading, it doesn't have to be the full book. Please ensure that your child brings their school book to school everyday as adults in school will be able to hear children read too.
Hope you have a lovely half term.
Miss Morley
Sketch Maps - Our Local Area
In today's lesson, we went to the front of school to create sketch maps. In doing so, we were able to identify the different uses of land in our area e.g. housing, car parking, schools, fields etc.
Exploring Magnetism
In today’s lesson we explored magnetism. The children were able to use new vocabulary such as North and South Poles, attract and repel to describe what happens when magnets are used together.
Geography - Local Area
In today’s geography lesson, we were able to use our knowledge of map symbols to locate local landmarks around Boston. In pairs, the children created their own symbols and used road names and other landmarks to support placing their symbols on a map of Boston.
Science - Investigating Friction
In this week's science lesson we have been exploring the force of friction and how different surfaces impact the level of friction. We conducted an investigation to test this using ramps, a car and different surfaces. We found that the rougher the surface, the more friction there was as the car would travel slower or less of a distance than on the smoother surfaces.