Please continue to practise counting in twos and fives with your child as this will support their future learning and number knowledge.
Links to the videos that support this can be found below.
Today's worksheet in your learning pack is a consolidation activity of previously taught skills on finding fact families, if you have any difficulty with this or any of the other activities then please feel free to get in touch via seesaw or email.
Today In RE we will think about the festival of EId- al -Fitr. This festival happens at the end of Ramadan. On this day Muslims will celebrate the end of fasting and thank God for giving them the strength and self control to fast.
We would like you to watch the powerpoint with your grown up which explains about Eid and also shows you some photographs from the festival.
Then have a go at our tasks - you will need to look at your sheet of photographs and write a sentence about what is happening.
Here is a story for you to enjoy. Just follow the link.