Thursday 21st January 2021
English ONLINE Task
Before today’s lesson please make sure you have watched the PowerPoint on how to use adverbs to improve your sentences, we will also go through this using the paper copies in your learning pack. We are then going to build sentences using adverbs, your aim is to write five of your own sentences to describe how a robot moves.
Your maths focus today is till to continue with the 8 times table, however you will be using your division skills today. So make sure you have your 8 timetable activity sheets from Tuesday as this will support your learning. Today’s activity sheet is attached below, or you will find it in your learning pack.
In Science today we are going to be thinking of healthy eating. Have a think to yourself what foods are healthy, why do we have to eat a balanced diet of healthy and unhealthy foods?
On your activity sheet you have got a lunchbox where you need to draw and label the things that you would have in your lunchbox. In my lunchbox I would have triangle ham sandwiches, a cheese string, an apple, some grapes, a packet of crisps and a bottle of water.
Then you need to read the text about a balanced diet and fill in the missing words, when you have filled in the missing words you can always rewrite it in your neatest joined handwriting to practice.