Hawthorn Tree School works closely with Ideal School Meals (www.idealschoolmeals.co.uk/?ideal) to provide hot school meals and packed lunches to all children. Lunches are provided free of charge to all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 under the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. Lunches for children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are £2.45 per lunch (your child maybe eligible for free school meals - see below).
Parents order meals in advance, direct through Ideal School Meals ordering portal (schoolmealsonline.com/login). Menus are supplied a term in advance so you can chat to your child about what they would like before ordering. The feedback we receive is that children overwhelmingly enjoy the school lunches provided, and are more likely to eat food they may not have tried before.
Free School Meals
If you receive any of the following, you will be entitled to free school meals:
To apply for free school meals, click here.
In school, we also offer school milk provided by Cool Milk. This is given to the children at their morning break. If you would like to register your child to receive milk please visit www.coolmilk.com or pick up a form from the school office. Children under 5 receive free milk. Children in receipt of free school meals and pupil premium funding will also receive free milk subsidised by the school.