TTRockstars challenge tomorrow starting at 7.30am. Get playing!!
Thursday 13th February
Fund raising pyjama day!
The cosy school day
We are having a cosy pyjama day for the charity: Pilgrim children’s hospital on Thursday 13th February. Please wear your pyjamas, bring £1 for charity and have a chance to take part in a toy swap. Bring a toy in and swap with another child in your class. This supports the community to be more sustainable, we can have a new toy by not throwing away the one we are tired of playing with! This can be Lego, cars, cardgames, colouring books, games etc.. let’s all join in! (School Council at Hawthorn Primary School)
Welcome to Owlets Year 4
We have had a great start and the children have produced some excellent work.
A few reminders:
Tuesday indoor PE - shorts and T-shirts
Friday outdoor PE - shorts and T-shirts, joggers and jumpers when the weather gets colder. Trainers or pumps need to be worn. Hair needs to to tied back and earrings out or taped.
Homework will start next week and will be set on a Monday and back in on a Monday.
TTRockstars needs to be completed weekly. This is checked on a Monday and those children who have done 10 minutes or more are entered into a draw for a prize.
Reading will be sent on a Monday and the children need two adult signatures per week from home. Mrs Bisby will be checking books on a Monday and Friday. Prizes will be given for good reading records.
Maths homework will be set on a Friday and returned on a Friday.
Let's make this year a great year.
Reading is the key!
Exciting news!
The Year 3 and 4 children have been asked to take part in a TTRockstars competition. It will take place on Friday 7th February and will start at 7.30am-7.30pm. The children can play in any game mode, but play is limited to 60 minutes per child.
The highest scoring class will get a fun afternoon so make sure you play. We are determined to win!
On Friday 29th November there will be a non- uniform day for our hamper. Our theme is stars. Please bring items linked to stars. Thanks