We have places available in some year groups! Please contact us for more details.

Tuesday 9th February

Please arrange your timetable today so that you can watch the Live Safer Internet Lesson from the BBC at 11am. Link below.



The second of our recap lessons today. Hopefully, you are starting to see how important a solid knowledge of your times tables is so important. If you think you need to improve the speed of your recall of your time tables, don't forget to play TTRockstars.


Adapted Maths


Another look at dividing 2 digits by 1 digit today. Remember to use the teaching aid of drawing to help you with any calculations you wish to record as a picture that you used yesterday. You will start to see how important your times tables are when working on Division. Remember to improve the speed of your recall by playing TTRockstars.



Our last lesson on relative clauses today and it is time for you to begin writing some of your own. Use the picture on your sheet to inspire you to write sentences which include a relative pronoun and relative clause.


For example:


The farmer has a horse, whose name is Dobbin.


I would also like you to try to write some sentences with the relative clause embedded as you did last week.


For example:


The horse, whose name is Dobbin, lives in a stable. 


Be ready to share the sentences you have written during our Teams lesson.


Adapted English


I would like you to complete the relative clause task as above, writing sentences which have a main clause followed by a relative pronoun and a relative clause. 


If you have been completing alternative grammar tasks on ixl, you can continue with these. 



Our last of the coding lessons today and another Minecraft adventure to sink your teeth into. Let me know how you get on.


In your pack, you will also find some tasks regarding e safety. It is so important that you remain safe when using any internet devices. You can go back and do the Spam Spotters lesson on Tuesday 2nd February that you weren't able to complete as I hadn't added the link at that time. If Miss Wager has added another task to our learning pack, please visit her class page for further details. I will add them here when they become available. 
