We have places available in some year groups! Please contact us for more details.

EYFS Mrs Tory

17.7.24 - We have been waiting for a sunny day to complete our ice cube experiment. We place ice cubes in various places and set a timer at 5 minute intervals. We observed the ice cubes when the timer alarmed and logged our findings. We repeated. We discovered when all the other ice cubes had melted the one in the fridge was still solid after 1hr 45 minutes.

16.7.24 - We had our final visit from Asda Steve today who brought us yummy ingredients to make our own pizzas!

11.7.24 - We looked at the work of Andy Goldsworthy the nature artist. The children were inspired to collect natural items and create their own artworks.

8.7.24 - The completed the last entry in the bean diary today. We compared them and they were very different. We had placed one in the cupboard and even though it had grown, it was yellow, rather than green like the children's that had been on the windows. When planting this one outside to see if it would change in the sun we noticed lots of pea pods on the plants we had planted previously. The children picked the ones that were ready and we shared them for snack.

5.7.24 - We looked at maps of Skegness and talked about the things we would like to visit at the seaside.The children drew their own maps and then wrote out an order for ice-cream. They took the order to the 'ice-cream shop' and went outside in the sun to eat it.

2.7.24 - We would like to say a huge “Thank you” to Lydia’s mum for bringing their pets to school for our pet week. We had the best afternoon feeding baby rabbits Milo and Tia and handling the cutest baby ferrets Alice in wonderland and Ariel who are only 9 weeks old. All the children were very sensible and gentle when handling the animals and enjoyed watching the rabbits hopping around our classroom and learning interesting facts about the ferrets 🤩🐰.

1.7.24 - Sports Day - the children had lots of fun joining in with Sports Day events. They showed great sportsmanship by cheering on their classmates. They took part in running, throwing, crawling and moving the ball, egg and spoon and the finale was the sponge relay race which was lots of fun!! We were so pleased to see lots of family members cheering on the children.

1.7.24 - After watching the caterpillars change and evolve over the past few weeks today was the day to say goodbye. We released the 5 butterflies into the wild flower garden and we hope they will lay eggs and continue the lifecycle.

28.6.24 - Yesterday the children designed a fish character and thought of a story. A beginning, a problem to solve, and then the ending. Today they became authors and wrote their stories based on their plans.

27.6.24 - We had a special visitor today.....but it wasn't a was the trophy that Boston United won this year!! We have several big football fans that have seen the trophy before when it was celebrated at the Boston United football stadium....but this time they got to hold the trophy themselves!!!

26.6.24 - We travelled Around the World today. All the way to the other side of the World to New Zealand via Google Earth. We learnt lots of facts about New Zealand. We learnt how the indigenous Maori people greet each other, called Hongi. We listened to a story about the national bird of New Zeland the kiwi and followed a video to draw our own. We learnt Maori words to complete a dance.

19.6.24 - This week during our RE lesson the children listened to the Noah's Ark story from the Bible. They then experimented with colours and learnt the term chromatography. They discovered that the black felt pen had hidden colours within it and skittles really do make a rainbow!

17.6.24 - The caterpillars have been spinning 🐛

Still image for this video

13.6.24 - The children listened to the story 'Katie and the Sunflowers'. Just like the character in the story they imagined what it would be like to go into a famous painting. They created a story in small groups and became authors and illustrators. They retold their stories to the class.

7.6.24 - This week we have been learning all about different mini-beasts. This afternoon we learnt the different habitats for the mini-beasts. With this information we explored our school grounds looking under rocks and logs, on the underside of leaves, and around the flowers and plants. We found several mini-beasts, but sadly no ladybirds, we decided it was the cold weather today keeping them hidden away and warm!

7.6.24 - Dominoes is a great game to consolidate our Maths Learning. It helps us practice our addition skills when combining both sides, discuss 'doubling', and matching amounts by subitising. As well as taking turns and learning we can't always win the game!

3.6.24 - The Great Outdoors- to start our new topic in the last term of the school year we looked at the very tiny caterpillars that arrived. We listened to the story of the Cautious Caterpillar and talked about things we have had to be brave for.The children then discussed scenarios they still found tricky and how they could overcome their fears.

14.5.24 - We had another visitor today. Asda Steve joined us and provided us with all the ingredients we needed to make our very own fruit salads as part of our English lesson. The children practiced their chopping skills and enjoyed eating their creations!!

13.5.24 - Today we had a visit from Mrs Ladds and her ambulance. The children asked lots of questions about her profession and then she invited them to look around the ambulance. Mrs Ladds showed us some equipment and even gave us some treatment.

9.5.24 - Exploring the outside area in the sun

7.5.24 - We have been exploring 'reduce, reuse,recycle'.. The children explored the different rubbish and sorted it into different groups.

30.4.24 - Newby Leisure visited today to complete our new climbing equipment that will strengthen our arms and help develop our fine motor skills we need for writing. The children had lots of questions to ask the visitors and are excited to explore when complete.

29.4.24 - We spent the day at Tattershall Farm Park. The children enjoyed the bus journey and spotted lots of things in our area, churches, Boston stump from a distance, swans in the surrounding rivers and lots more. The children were really excited to explore the farm and see the animals close up. We soon discovered that walking a goat is not as easy as it looks!! The children were brave and fed the different animals in the barn. Lots of sleepy heads on the journey home after such a busy day!

25.4.24 - We discussed as a class the different places around school and made a map on the carpet with name cards for the different areas. There were some areas the children had not visited yet so we set off to explore ALL of the school. We visited the library for a story, the sensory/Millennium garden, and the sensory room, before using the climbing equipment on the KS2 playground.

25.4.24 - The children read instructions to make an egg and cress sandwich. We had previously planted cress seeds ready to use with the sandwiches. Unfortunately a lot of the seeds didn't grow. The children explored the cress from the supermarket and the ones we had grown and discussed why it may not have grown. The children had amazing ideas as to why - 'maybe the water soaked into the egg box so the seeds didn't have enough water', 'the seeds didn't get enough sun' (it has been a cold and cloudy week). The children used their fine motor skills to peel the egg shells, chop into pieces and butter their bread. We ate the sandwiches for snack ....yum!

23.4.24 - This week Mrs Ingamells joined us for PE. She taught the children new words and movements, pike, straddle and star. The children practiced these moves as they moved around the equipment.

22.4.24 - Our afterschool club in Reception - Exploration Club - introduced sewing to the children this week.

19.4.24 - Today the children planted another seed to add to the cress, grass, carrots, peas and radish already planted this week. This time the children planted a sunflower seed that they will eventually take home to plant and look after. After planting the children wrote a set of instructions of what they did.

18.4.24 - Today was our last cricket session with Emily from Chance to Shine. The children combined all the skills they have learnt over the past 5 sessions to play a game of cricket together.

16.4.24 - After a much deserved Easter Holidays the children were excited to start their learning. This term we will be finding out about our community and we started by exploring farming in and around Boston. We followed this by exploring and planting our own seeds to grow.

28.3.24 - Easter wouldn't be Easter without a chocolate egg hunt!!

28.3.24 - After leaving the eggs in the different liquids for 4 days the children observed and recorded the changes. We discovered the coca-cola changed the colour of the egg to a dark brown, the orange juice softened the outer layer of the shell and the vinegar had dissolved the shell. We used eggs because the material is made of a similar substance to our teeth. The children logged their findings and compared to their predictions.

25.3.24 - Today we discussed oral hygiene and what foods are good/bad for our teeth. The children were surprised to know that fruit may be healthy for our bodies, but has lots of sugar that we know is not good for our teeth. We started an experiment to show the effects different drinks/foods have on our teeth. We placed an egg into different liquids (orange juice, vinegar and coca-cola) and predicted what might happen to the eggs.

21.3.24 - The children wore their odd socks to school today as part of Down Syndrome awareness day.

19.3.24 - We welcomed back one of our favourite visitors this week. 'Asda Steve' joined us in making Easter/Spring cards for our friends and family.

15.3.24 - This afternoon, we had a virtual visit from Kelechi Okafor and Michaela Dias-Hayes, who are the writer and the illustrator of the book ‘Strong Like Me’. Kelechi read her book to us and the children really enjoyed following the steps to draw the main character, Kamara.

14.3.24 - Today we looked at images of buildings around the World and noticed similarities and differences. The children were very excited to see images of bridges in Boston and our own outside area. The children used the images as inspiration for creating a variety of bridges using different resources.

12.3.24 - This week as part of our Topic 'Bigger Than Me' we have been exploring construction. The children looked at famous buildings around the World and then made a plant to design, then build their own building.

6.3.24 - Today we had some visitors on our garden area.

6.3.24 - as part of our celebrations for World Book Day we took part in a dance workshop with West End Productions.

27/28.2.24- As part of their English task the children used the computer programme to create their very own dinosaurs. They used the individual dinosaurs as a prompt for their writing task.

27.2.24 - The children revisited previous learning about 'What happens when you mix it?'. Today the children had flour, salt and water and predicted what would be made if the ingredients were combine. Some children thought maybe porridge or pancakes, and others predicted playdough correctly. They worked in pairs to combine and then used the dough to model different types of dinosaurs.

22.2.24 - Today we welcomed Emily who will be joining us once a week this term. She is from 'Chance to Shine' and will be teaching us cricket. This week we practiced handling the ball in different ways.

19.2.24 - This term we start the Topic 'Bigger than me'. This week we are looking at dinosaurs and found out that lots of information about dinosaurs have been gathered from fossils. We made our own fossils using saltdough and different shaped pastas.

5 - 9th February - This week the children have celebrated Lunar New Year. They decorated the classroom with lanterns and made money wallets to open later in the week. The children made Lunar New Year cards for friends and family and wrote down their wishes and made them into a scroll. The children cleaned the classroom to clean away bad luck, before eating long noodles which represent a long life. Finally the children watched and then performed a dragon dance to the other Reception class.

A newsletter from The Lincolnshire Smiles Project.

1.2.24 - The children were really excited today to become scientists. We used our leftover Gingerbread Men to find out what would happen if they were placed into different liquids.The children looked and smelled vinegar, water, milk and oil and made predictions as to what might happen to the the Gingerbread Men. Lots of children said that he would go soggy in the water remembering information from the Gingerbread Man story. There were lots of other ideas such as he would break, he would turn yellow, he would get bigger and he would sink. The children observed what happened and then compared to their predictions.

30.1.24 - During our RE lesson we discussed times when we celebrated. We shared our experiences from birthdays, Christmas, christenings and weddings. We learnt how people celebrate birthdays around the World and talked about how we celebrate with cake, parties, family and special food. Some of the children chose to have 'birthday bumps' like children in Ireland have and then we made a pinata like children in Mexico. The children enjoyed decorating and then hitting the pinata to release some sweets.

29.1.24 - This week we are listening to the story of The Gingerbread Man. Today we followed the recipe to combine the ingredients to make the dough. We watched as the sugar dissolved, the butter melted, and the syrup combined together. After baking we made sure the gingerbread didn't escape before we had time to decorate them. We used healthier alternatives to make our own individual men.

24.1.24 - In preparation for the children taking part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch later in the week they make bird feeders to encourage more birds into our outside area. The children had listened to the Bible story 'The Good Samaritan' during their RE lesson and related the moral of the story into making sure birds had enough food to eat during the cold Winter weather.

22.1.24 - As part of the project Sing to Change introducing children to the effects of climate change our class learnt about glaciers melting due to rising temperatures. We did an experiment to notice how the ice was affected by the warm water and then the warm water and recorded our findings.

18.1.24 - Today we welcomed back Asda Steve. He had heard that we were listening to the Little Red Hen story this week and taught us how to make 'bread in a bag'. We mixed the ingredients and had to work really hard to combine and knead them into dough.Steve said we definitely weren't unhelpful like the characters in the story.After we watched the dough rise we cooked it and then took it home to share with our families.We receive awards at our Celebration assemblies and we awarded Steve with his very own certificate to wish him 'well done' on his nomination for National Hero Award.He told us all about his upcoming visit to London!!

16.1.24 - Today during for our RE lesson we brought in books from home that are special to us. We talked about the reasons for being special, 'because I read it in bed with my Mum', 'It has lots of fruit in it just like Handa's surprise', 'I read it with my Mummy', 'I had it when I was little'. Whatever the reason the children loved sharing their books. One book was special because Mrs Tory couldn't read it as it was in a language she doesn't speak. We were really pleased when Mrs Aida read the book in Polish and English so we could all hear the story.

10.1.24 - Oh no!!! Goldilocks has broken Baby Bears chair, can the children make him a new one?

9.1.24 - The Boston Tennis Club visited today to introduce the children to tennis. The children played a variety of games with the tennis balls and raquets.

5.1.24 - The children used their fine motor skills to cut the vegetables using the bridge and claw cutting method. Inspired by the Enormous Turnip story they chose from a range of vegetables to write a recipe to make soup.

3.1.24 - Welcome to the New Year! On their first day back the children started their new Topic 'Traditional Tales' by acting out the story of The Enormous Turnip.

Spring term 1 - Curriculum overview

19.12.23 - The children have been joining in with imoves active advent for the month of December. On their last day the children earned their active certificates.

18.12.23 - We had lots of fun at our Christmas Party. We danced and played games, and then had party food! We even had a special visitor who brought us all a present to put under our Christmas trees.

14.12.23 - Santa Dash fun with Mrs Ingamells!!

13.12.23 - Today the children learnt all about Christingle and what the different parts represent. They worked together to make their own Christingle.

13.12.23 - Christmas Dinner day!!

12.12.23 - Today the children performed their singing concert. First we had a practice in front of an audience and asked some of the children from KS1 if they would like to come and listen to our singing. Later in the day we welcomed Parents to visit.....they look pretty impressed!!!

8.12.23 - The Children came to school today in their Christmas jumpers, later in the day the children had a hand at designing a Christmas jumper

6.12.23 - As a special treat to celebrate the KS1 Production we went out to meet some very cute sheep. They loved being fed rich tea biscuits!!

1.12.23- Today was the start of opening up our Christmas advent and the countdown to Christmas, The children listened to a story about Kindness Elves and met Sparkle the Kindness Elf from the story. She said she would choose a child each day who she had seen showing kindness to open the next door on the calender. Inside the calendar was a Christmas book for the children to enjoy at home.

1.12.23 - Today we joined a webinar with authors Nick Sharratt and Pippa Goodhart. They read sections from their new book 'You Choose Christmas' and then we did a draw a long session.

29.11.23 - During our Maths lessons we have been looking at the numbers 4 and 5.The children sorted the objects to correspond with the correct numeral.

28.11.23 - Today the children went outside to find and compare different leaves. They used the leaves to do a rubbing with the charcoal pencils and then used their observational skills to draw a leaf.

21.11.23 - This week we have had some visits from keypersons from HTCCC catching up with keychildren. The children were really excited to see them and show them around their classroom and outside area.

17.11.23 - The children were really pleased to add lights to their completed diya lamps after molding and decorating them earlier in the week.

16.11.23 - Today our friend Asda Steve made a surprise visit bringing Pudsey Bear with him ready for Children in Need day tomorrow. Pudsey bear loved having lots of hugs!!!

10.11.23 - This week the children have learned the importance and reasons for commemorating Remembrance day. They made their own poppy wreaths using cutouts of their hands and added poppies. They watched a previous years video of King Charles III placing a wreath on the cenotaph and laid the wreaths in our classroom.

9.11.23 - The children thoroughly enjoyed taking part in our sponsored 'EYFS is great' Talent show. We had book readings, dancers, singers, a fidget spinner show plus much more. We want to say a HUGE thank-you to the children's families and friends who kindly sponsored them so generously. The amazing £417 will be used to fund new experiences for the children.

8.11.23 - Over the week the children have been exploring numberbonds to 5. They completed a variety of tasks including adding spots to the 2 sides of the ladybirds, threw 5 beanbags and noticed how many landed in or out of the hoop, and used double sided counters to add to the 5 frame.

1.11.23 - After the children have had a much deserved break over half-term we have had a busy first day. First the children visited the library van to select a book each and then we have a visit from Jane at Lincolnshire Smiles. She supported in our first time brushing our teeth at school. Finally we played a new game 'bunny ears' with our friends. The children held up fingers and their partners said the amounts.

19.10.23 - We finished the first school term by joining the rest of KS1 for our Celebration assembly. The children enjoyed seeing children collect their awards for Reading, Maths, the Shining Star award and the Headteachers award. The children have progressed so much in their first few weeks at school so we celebrated with a much deserved hot chocolate with marshmallows.

19.10.23 - The children love to explore our outside area and it gives them opportunities to see the seasons change. Today they were excited to see a rainbow during the stormy Autumn weather.

19.10.23 - The children used their fine motor skills to explore the pumpkins. They used tools to cut through the skin and scrape out the seeds.

10.10.23 - As a school we love when Stephen from Asda visits. He always brings with him exciting activities and often yummy food to explore and try. Today was the first time our new Reception children have met Stephen and he was a big hit and we can't wait to invite him back. Stephen knew we had been trying and choosing well known fruits so he brought us some more unusual ones. The children tried mango, watermelon and pineapple and recalled one of our core books in Reception, 'Handa's Surprise' that some of the fruit features in. So impressed that most of the children tried fruit they hadn't had the opportunity to taste before. They were surprised at how heavy some of them were!!

6.10.23 - The children went onto the 'big' school field to explore. We noticed the changes that are starting to happen to the trees and compared different leaves that had blown onto the ground. We found green, brown and yellow leaves. The wind was blowing and making lots of nice sounds for us to listen to.

2.10.23 - The children learnt all about Harvest Festival and then used lots of different resources to make their very own scarecrow.

28.9.23 - The children have been learning all about repeating patterns this week. They thoroughly enjoy making the repeating patterns with fruit nearly as much as eating them afterwards.

28.9.23 - Today the children shared photographs of their families. This sparked lots of discussion about our families and the experiences we have had with them. It was amazing to hear about the children's extended family who we don't get to meet at school.The children then drew their families.

26.9.23 - The children listened to the book Mix it up and used their fingertips to blend different coloured paint and explored what happened.

25.9.23 - Everyday the children vote on which book they would like to listen to.

21st September - Phonics information session for parents powerpoint

Still image for this video

20.9.23 - as part of National Fitness day the children took part in 10 minutes exercise at 10am. We discussed fun ways to exercise such as riding their bikes, playing running games and dancing.

19.9.23 - Today the children used the playdough in a variety of ways to strengthen their fingers. They pinched, rolled, flattened and poked, all will help when holding mark-making equipment.

18.9.23 - The children spent some of the afternoon being creative. They chose what to paint on their pictures and we saw Elsa from Frozen, butterflies, rainbows and children's houses. The children also used natural resources to create faces.

15.9.23 - The children played a variety of different games, taking turns and working together.

15.9.23 - The children went on a nature hunt to find natural items to sort as part of their Maths lesson. The children compared the different leaves and sticks they found together.

11.9.23 - The children listened to the story 'The Button Box' and then explored a variety of buttons. The children compared their buttons to others and discussed similarities and differences.

7.9.23 - Today the children explored different ways to be physical. We used our arms to move the parachute up and down and practiced balancing using a variety of equipment.

5.9.23 - What a fantastic first day of school the children had. Making new friends, exploring their classroom and outside area, and looking so smart in their new uniforms!

Welcome to Bunnies class 2023/24

We are so excited to welcome all children and their families to Hawthorn Tree Primary school. 

We would like to introduce the staff who work within Bunnies class. The Class Teacher is Mrs Tory and we have Mrs Aida and Miss Banks who are Teaching Assistants. We have a new member of staff joining our Early Years team who will work across both Bunnies and Ducklings class, Miss Atkins.

Our school year begins on Tuesday 5th September and the school gates open at 8.40am, please ensure all children have arrived by 8.50am for the Register.

To settle children in the first week we will finish at 12.45pm after lunch, children are to be collected from their classroom door. Please be patient as we get to know Parents/Carers collecting.

From Monday 11th September the children will be in school full-time 8.40am-3.20pm

All of our information is relayed via the Seesaw app and an invitation will be given to each child the first week of school. This is an online platform that can be accessed via a mobile phone, tablet or computer.

We use the app to post photo's, videos and examples of learning in school. We also use the app as a way of communicating with families about events and changes so it is really important to join so that you are equipped with all the information you need for your child.

Families have found it very supportive in communicating with their child about their time in school.


We look forward to meeting again after the Summer and please if you have any queries please don't hesitate to ask.

Mrs Tory, Mrs Aida, Miss Banks and Miss Atkins
