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Thursday 25th February

Good morning everyone,


I hope that you had a good half term! I'm thrilled with the news that we're all going to be back in class from the 8th of March. That means we'll finally get to meet each other face to face, I can't wait!


I'm looking forward to seeing you all online later today. In the meantime, enjoy your learning.


Mrs Misodi laugh



Today in maths, we'll be recapping fractions greater than one (or >1). 


Imagine pizza, yummy! If you ate ½ of it, then another ½, then another ½... you will have eaten 3/2 of a pizza. 


Hang on, doesn't one pizza only has 2 halves? YES!


3/2 means that you've eaten a whole pizza (½ + ½) then ANOTHER ½ a pizza. 3/2 is the same as 1 whole and 1/2 = 1 ½.


As a number sentence, you say:      3/2 = 1 ½


Fractions greater than 1

Watch the video to help you with today's maths learning.

Adapted learning - Count in tenths

Watch this video to help you count in tenths.

Adapted maths - counting in tenths

Today in RE, we'll be finding out about the five pillars of Islam. For your task, you'll need to write what they are AND explain what each of them mean.

Today we are starting to prepare to write a poem based on the Arctic. 


Task 1: look at the sheet with examples of figurative language. Remind yourself what metaphors, alliteration, similes etc.... are.


Task 2: read the model poem called 'The Arctic'. Who do you think the narrator of the poem is and why? Now re-read the poem, but this time you need to hunt for examples of figuaritive language. Highlight and label the examples that you find. We will read this together in our lesson, so be ready to impress me!
