We have places available in some year groups! Please contact us for more details.

Learning support

General support from BBC Bitesize
Below is a link to BBC Bitesize where you can find lots of additional programmes for learning to sort all levels.  These programmes are on daily and can help with visual learning.
English support
Reading books - these are some of the books we use in school for phonics and reading
Story from Read, write inc

Purple Read, write inc

Learning support online - maths and reading

The following letter tells you how to access maths and reading resources for your child from Reading Eggs and Mathseeds.

These are fantastic sites, very interactive with clips, 'eggs to collect and hatch' and challenges to be met.

It is really worthwhile signing up to both sites for the free trial.

How to access Reading Eggs and Mathseeds.

Reading comprehension activities - Spiders.

CBeebies has some great activities for children who may find some areas of the curriculum tricky.  They may be good at Maths or English and may need extra support in different areas.  Here are some activities to explore by clicking on the link.
A great online game to help children check sentences make sense.  Help them to choose the correct sentence.
Maths support

Naming 2d shapes

Continue the repeating patterns - 2d shapes.

2d shape - focus on sides

2d shape - focus on vertices

Online games to support learning