Monday 8th February 2021
English ONLINE Task
Today for our online session if you can have read the text on the Gellyphant before we meet that will be great. However we will start the lesson by reading through the text and understanding any information/vocab that any of you are unsure of, then you will be answering the questions making sure that you write in full sentences.
Today in Maths you are to complete the addition with money sheets, if you can complete the ** sheet, using the grocery store list.
For today’s history make sure you have looked and read through the PowerPoint first and read the information sheet. You are then going to create an information poster on Stonehenge. Please feel free to add some drawing to your poster and remember to have a BIG BOLD title!
* Apologies, the History Power Point will not upload - all of the information from the Power Point is on the information sheet though, so not to worry! *