Today you are going to be looking at some measures in centimetres and metres. It asks you to measure the classroom, for this you could measure one of the rooms in your house. You may need to ask as adult for help and a tape measure.
English ONLINE
Using the story of Heracles, we are going to summarise the story using the worksheet to help us. We are going to need this work to help us with our work on Thursday and Friday this week.
World Book Day is a celebration of stories. The day is marked in over 100 countries across the world. This year, I am delighted to announce, that the Arts charity Settle Stories has offered schools the opportunity to access a free online storytelling performance, which we will be streaming, to help our children have the best World Book Day ever with professional storyteller Alia Alzougbi. However, they are aware that many of you are learning from home and therefore have extended this offer to YOU! Hoorah!!! You do need to book your place, using the link below.
Arabic storyteller Alia will welcome our children to Ancient Arabia. Step into the story and be delighted for a mischievous hour as she recounts some of the lesser-known stories from the timeless collection of the Arabian Nights.
This will begin at 1.30pm and finish at 2.15pm. I am aware that this will overlap with our Teams lesson B. I am sure everyone will enjoy the performance. Thank you
Follow this link to book your place for The Arabian Night story.
Have a look at the worksheet, you are going to have to get active. If you can use a stopwatch- most mobile devices have these. You will need to try out the different activities and record your finding. Make sure you take a break between each activity so that your heart rate can go back to normal- your resting rate.