We have places available in some year groups! Please contact us for more details.

Tuesday 9th


For your phonics session today we would like you to tune into the Ruth Miskin Phonics channel on You Tube

Here is the link:



If you are in Group A then work on the set 2 sound videos.


If you are in Group B then work on the Set 3 sound videos.


Don't forget to read the books below, too! 

Group A - Get Up!


Following on from yesterday's introduction to Chinese New Year, we would like you to watch the following video clip to learn a little bit more about some traditions at Chinese New Year:  


Please then complete your follow-up activities below.


We look forward to seeing you for today's Live maths lesson in which we will continue to recap some of the skills previously taught as well as beginning to look at new skills.  Today we will be looking at counting in fives to numbers within 50. Children may need some practical resources or objects to help them visualise and reinforce the skill of counting in fives, some everyday objects such as lego blocks or dried pasta could be used.

Please take a look at the video link below to support practising counting in fives.


This week we are going to evaluate your investigation from last week. We want you to have a talk with your grown up and think about which material was the best for a waterproof umberella and which was the worst. Explain to them why you think you got these results - Your next job is to complete our science task which is an evaluation sheet - Some of you are going to tick a box to explain which material was best and some of you are going to writ some simple sentences about the investigation.

We are very curious to find out which material was the best for an umberella!


Here is a story for you to enjoy. Just follow the link.

Axel Scheffler Reads Stick Man

Axel Scheffler reads aloud from Stick Man, written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler.
