We have places available in some year groups! Please contact us for more details.

Year 1/2 Mrs Jenkins

We all had a fun day celebrating the end of the year with our Pirate party. Some wonderful costumes were seen. Thank you all for your support this year.

Sports Day

Please use the attached document to support your child in their phonics at home. There are lots of videos for your child to watch, and you can pick out the sounds your child needs support with. All you need to do is click on the links on a computer, tablet or phone and the phonics videos will play.

To help us with our history topic we had a special visit from Florence Nightingale today!

We have had lots of fun watching our Frogspawn develop into healthy frogs that are now starting to leave us and disappear into the wild area in our garden. The children have really enjoyed this and have been handling them as they have grown.

Today the children have all participated in the sponsored FUN RUN!

In DT we have been creating tasty healthy sandwiches with Mrs Adams.

Trunk Theatre
This morning, the children have had a visit from Trunk Theatre. They performed the story of The Great Fire of London, explaining how and when it begun, including how the fire spread and how long it lasted for. During the performance the children also got the opportunity to learn a sea shanty song as well as dance with the king.

Another successful DT project, with a big thank you to all the parents that came in to help their children create some wonderful designs.

As part of our DT this term we have been making bread, Mrs Adams kindly volunteered to work with all the children in small groups.

Have a fabulous Christmas everybody and we will see you on Wednesday 3rd of January.  Thank you for all your support over the last 2 terms.  If children have any library books still could they please return them on 3rd January.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the staff in Fox cubs class.

Santa Dash time- Children having lots of fun!

Merry Christmas everybody. The children all enjoyed their Christmas lunch in the hall served by staff and Year 6 children.

What a fantastic performance by all the children this year in their Nativity. Some great acting, great costumes and fantastic audiences! Well done everyone.

Please can we have any library books returned before the end of term.  Thank you.


PE will be on a Monday and Thursday throughout Term 1 and 2.  Please come in kit for those days.  Thank you!


Spelling test will also be carried out on a Tuesday afternoon so please make sure your child has their spelling folders in class on a Tuesday.


Thank you


Mrs Jenkins

Guess who visited us today for Children in Need!

This week we had fun in RE building our Sukkah huts to celebrate the Jewish festival Sukkot.

We had a lovely day celebrating Bright Day. We made fireworks, solved problems and had a visit from the fire engine.

We have started our Tie Dying in Art with fantastic results!

We have been using practical equipment to help us work out our Maths. Why not ask your child if they can remember what the equipment is called!

Good afternoon,


Now the children are beginning to settle I would just like to update on all the information you have had so far and let you know any important changes.


PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.  Please can your child come to school in their PE kit.


Tuesday - Spelling test.  Each week your child will bring home a spelling folder, can they please complete all the practises and return their folder each Tuesday so we can give them their new ones and they can record their score.


Science-  As part of Science the children have brought home a food diary.  Please could you help your child complete this the best way possible and return to school once completed.  This will help them complete a block graph during the lesson.


Finally a reminder to send your children in the same door as they are collected from at the back of our classroom.  This enables us to keep the children in one place and have time to see the parents.


Thank you.


Mrs Jenkins

Welcome back to another busy school year.  A few changes this year with our mixed year group classes.  Just a quick reminder our PE days this year will be a Tuesday or Monday as some weeks we will be working with our PE co-ordinator on a rota basis, alongside this our outdoor PE session will be a Thursday.


With reading children will be sent home with a reading book daily.  We do encourage them daily to get their books out to change but we can only change the books if it has been signed off by an adult as children will just tend to change them without reading them.  If reading with your child could you please talk to them about the book in order to build on comprehension skills we will be teaching in school.  We are happy to change reading books as often as your child reads and not set days of the week.  Alongside this your child will bring a phonics related book to build on their fluency at the level they are working at.  These will be changed around once a week and can be read over and over to develop accuracy and speed in reading.  Your child will have access to library books that can be changed monthly when the library van visits.  Unfortunately if your child doesn't return their book then they will not be able to borrow another as this is run by the Library Service, alongside this books will be charged for if not returned.


In addition homework will consist of Spellings which will be tested each Monday starting from the 18th September.  Please could your child write out their spellings in each square to enable your child to embed these skills.  Your child will write their score on the sheet completed to let you know what they gain in the test.  On occasions there may be other homework set for Topic work which may be research based and alongside this we will be sending out passwords for TT Rockstars, initially for Year 2 only.


Please  keep popping back to the class page to see what is happening in class, resources to support learning and any information that we may need to get to you.  If you would like to speak to us at any point then please don't hesitate to make an appointment with the office and we can speak to you after school.


Thank you for your support and I look forward to a busy but fun term.


Mrs Jenkins/Mrs Orrey/Mrs Freeston and Mrs Rogers
