Here is your learning for today. Along with your Maths, English and Afternoon activities, please ensure you are also reading daily and looking after your well-being through mindfulness tasks and other activities available to you on our class page
Miss Wager
Another recap lesson for you today, but looking at multiplying 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers.
Today you will be making comparisons between the answers you get in your calculations. What out, there may be some division questions somewhere on this sheet.
We are continuing with our work on Relative Clauses this week. Shall be identifying relative clauses and using them to improve sentences.
You may still have some of the grammar sheets left from your first packs. If not, you could try the activity above or you could play some of the Grammar games from the link below.
Back to Hour of Code again. This week I would like you to try the Plant v Zombies coding activity. Remember to ask your parents to send me a screen shot or a photo of how you got on. If you have used the most efficient number of blocks, the dot will be bright green.