'Where everybody is somebody'
Homework reminder
Similar to last year, your child will be set homework which links with the learning taking place within the classroom. We encourage you to support your child with the tasks which have been set, alongside listening to your child read at least three times a week.
NB: If your child is struggling with their homework, please ask for help.
Christmas Hamper Raffle
Our theme for the Christmas Hamper for our class is Christmas Eve Treats. Please bring a donation for the hamper on Friday 29th November when pupils are allowed to wear non-uniform in return for their donation. Hampers will be raffled at the Christmas fair on Friday 6th December. Thank you.
Book Swap
We have been taking part in a Book Swap today to raise awareness in the importance of developing a love of reading and to raise money for the School Council to purchase new playground equipment. The children enjoyed shaing their books before swapping with each other. As you can see below, they were all happy with their choices.
Up and coming events...
27.9.24 - Cake Sale - to raise money for Macmillan - Main hall, afterschool.
2.10.24 - Orienteering (Map work)
Share a poem (Assembly)
7.10.24 - Bikeability week
10.10.24 - Hello Yellow (Healthy minds)
16.10.24 - Visit to Nene Park (Rivers)
National Poetry Day: October 3rd 2024
Aiming to inspire a love of poetry, we will be celebrating National Poetry Day on Thursday 3rd October. This event provides a fantastic opportunity to explore and celebrate poetry. From engaging with familiar poems we love, to the creative fulfilment of crafting new works.
To celebrate the profound art of poetry, an art form that has the power to inspire, console, and captivate, we will be sharing a collection of poems in class over the next few weeks. I will provide a link to the poem we read on this page to be shared at home also. We began today with one of my personal favourites The Listeners by Walter De La Mare.