We have chosen Microsoft Teams as the live, face to face, delivery vehicle for our Digital Learning Platform. Additionally, the school will also utilise Seesaw for Years 1-6 and Tapestry for Reception so that learning can be submitted and assessed through these platforms. Learning resources can be accessed class pages. Additionally, some year groups will use Youtube for recorded videos. Staff will also be contact via email and phone.
In the event of a potential lock down, our aim is to move our face to face teaching onto Microsoft Teams and this page is designed to help you further understand how to access Teams, use it and more importantly, enjoy it.
Teams can be accessed through any device - PC, tablet or smart phone. When logged on, children will be able to connect with their teacher and classmates. They will find the learning that has been set as well as instructions for how to complete it. Children may be asked to watch a video, complete an online quiz, or write in their home learning book. They will have access to Word, PowerPoint and Excel and will be able to easily upload a photo of their work - it won't need to be printed out. Importantly, children can message their teacher if they get stuck or would like extra work and they will know their teacher will see their work when it's been completed.
Please find, below, some useful documents such as call guidelines, timetable of which groups will be taught and when along with the new remote learning policy.
How do I get Teams?
Microsoft Teams can be downloaded onto PC, Laptop, Tablet and Phone. For tablet and phones, simply visit the Google Play Store or App Store where you can download this. For PC and Laptop, type into Google 'MS Teams' and you'll be able to download.
If you have an older machine and download proves problematic, you can simply use teams through your internet browser (Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer).
Please fill in this form and we will contact you back if there is anything that you are struggling with such as signing in, downloading or accessing channels.