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Challenge Partners Review

Our school is part of Challenge Partners. This is a national initiative that supports the school with curriculum professional development and school improvement. This initiative enables staff to visit schools and be inspired by what schools are focusing on nationally. It enables our team to learn new ideas and ensure our school can reach its' full potential on behalf of our children and school community. In addition to this Challenge Partners conducts a yearly review in our school. On Wednesday 23rd June - Friday 25th June 2021, a team of five reviewers came to our school to conduct a review. The lead reviewer was Mr Busby (a lead reviewer for Challenge Partners and an experienced Ofsted inspector). Mr Busby enclosed the report in an email to me and wrote, "I hope you feel the report celebrates the fabulous work that you and your team are doing at your school. It is a long time since I left a school feeling so inspired by what I had seen. Thank you for sharing with me the great work that is taking place at Hawthorn Tree."


The team spoke to our children and parents, observed the children learning throughout the three days, they looked through school documentation, the children's books and interviewed leaders at all levels. It was a thorough collaborative inspection of our practice in our school.


The reviewers were impressed by the school's caring community ethos, the way the whole team inspired children to learn, they were in admiration of the pastoral care and were impressed with the quality of learning throughout our school and how much learning had been achieved despite the challenges of the pandemic. The review team were impressed with the quality of remote teaching and the amount of care taken to support and teach our children through challenging times. They were impressed with how all leaders of all levels ensured the children were receiving a quality of education in a range of subjects. The team were inspired by how the school has maintained provision for sport, music and the arts despite the restrictions of the pandemic. These were a few of the quotes the review team captured from our children;


Year 2 pupil

My favourite lesson is writing. My teachers help me to be a better writer. They help me choose books to read. I feel very happy here.


Year 1 pupil

Our school is a happy place - I love to learn here-and I have friends.


Year 5 pupil

All the teachers are nice here. They are good at explaining things.

Reviewer: Use three words to describe Hawthorn Tree School

Pupil: Fun! Interesting to learn, exciting.


Year 6 pupil

In school we have the freedom to have a laugh with friends, my friends are my family I pick for myself. School is always a safe place. I have a good time and learn what I need to. The teachers push us to our limits, they find out what our proper mathematical substance is.


Year 4 pupil

Teachers make our lessons fun. Sometimes they use different voices. It's like a film but with learning in it. That is why I love this school.


We are incredibly proud of the following report from the Challenge Partner Review Team. It celebrates the hard work of the whole staff team and our children in a school, "Where everybody is somebody."


Link: Challenge Partners Report


Mrs Y Kadar & Mr C Brady (Acting Head Teachers)
