We have places available in some year groups! Please contact us for more details.

Wednesday 27th


Today, we will be writing questions! Together, we will identify the question which the children ask the Giant in 'The Giant of Jum' and then you will write some new questions for the Giant.




Today we will be starting to look at numbers up to 50 as part of our learning, you could begin by practising counting forwards and backwards to 50 using Jack Hartman.

Today children can play and explore ordering numbers to 50 using the links below for games. In addition, some number cards have been included in their learning packs. Encourage your child to select 10 cards at random, lay them out on a flat surface and then turn them over one at a time and say the number. There is also a worksheet to be completed in their home learning packs.


Please tune in to Joe Wicks' YouTube channel at 9 a.m for PE today! If this is a little tricky, please use the additional resources below. Have fun!


Please also remember to us your log in details to access our new PE platform!

Squish The Fish | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Story Time

